Chapter 19 | Refugee

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If she had a penny for every time her house was trashed, she'd have two pennies.

It's not a lot, but it bothers her that it happened twice.

The bag she grasped in her hand dropped to the floor with a loud thump. 

An aura of death loomed over her once cozy home, the spirit of death watching over in anticipation. 

Vicious claw marks coated the walls and floors as if a frightening beast had broken in and killed someone. Carpets were torn, couches warped, and objects were thrown about carelessly. 

The light on the ceiling dimly lit the wrecked cabin.

She slowly stepped further into her home. 

It felt like she was seeping into a deadly trap, the monster waiting in the cursed shadows. River noticed that any paintings of France were not torn to bits but left pristine like they hadn't witnessed an invasion.

River had merely just arrived home from work. 

She was extraordinarily tired after receiving information from Alpha Lycoris and busying herself with tending to fish. 

It seemed fate had other plans.

Slowly turning towards her destroyed couch, her heart pounded in her ears, and she shockingly gasped. She gaped in horror; winter eyes stared at the wall behind the couch. 

In a brilliant ruby red, a message awaited her.

Retourne en France
[Return to France.]

What could this mean? 

Who would write this? 

River knew this couldn't have been her family; She did not tell them where she was going when she left. 

Suspects flew through her mind a mile a minute, her brain desperately searching for answers.

It couldn't be Marcus. 

While he hates her, he wants her dead, not gone. 

Lucifer, Blaine, Anu, and her coworkers couldn't have done this either. 

After all the people she knew, River was running out of possible ideas.

What she knew for sure was that she needed to get out of there.

The platinum blonde bolted down her hallway and up her stairs. She ducked into her room and yanked out a few suitcases. Everything around her was fuzzy, and her heartbeat screeched in her ears as she hurriedly stuffed four suitcases with the most important items. 

River discovered that none of her things were stolen. 

The downstairs was destroyed, but her bedroom was left intact. She collected any paperwork or precious information such as her passport, doctorate, and two awards she won in France for swimming competitions. 

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