Chapter 5 | Nightmares Awaken

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River had hurriedly escaped Lucifer

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River had hurriedly escaped Lucifer.

He aided her in finding her way out of the building, though, in exchange for her number. 

She was baffled. 

What did he see in her? She barely responded to his words and was flustered beyond belief by the simplest compliment. 

River noticed he glared at any man who glanced her way as if a single stare could whisk her away when he least expected it. It was as if her single status made her a target of every man around her.

Lucifer made no move to touch her without permission. It was quite sweet. He minded her personal bubble, though he wasn't against teasing her. She was easy to fluster. 

When she had to go, part of her told her not to go. To stay with him. This only startled her further; thus, she left in a hurry.

River clocked out early to rest at home. Dr. Steele understood as it was quite the task for her 2nd day at the company.

She slipped from her work clothes and wore black jeans and a light brown turtleneck. To stay warmer, she even paired it with some black gloves. 

Today was a rollercoaster, especially with that man in the mix, so River decided a nature walk would help. Doing her hair in a ponytail, now was time.

She could never do this kind of thing in France without finding a park miles away.

Stepping out of her home, the emerald greenery of the rainforest soothed her body. The moss clung to trees and rocks, the vines danging from long branches stretching further than her body. Chipmunks scurried up trees and branches, fascinatingly eyeing the white-haired woman below. 

Her black boots slowly marched towards the trail behind her house.

The sun's light proudly streamed through the trees, lighting her path along the earth. Bugs wiggled along logs or boulders, going about their day peacefully like she was. 

As the path continued, she saw a beautiful clearing. The soft grass was devoid of weeds and ferns, a perfect place to set up a picnic or relax. With a soft smile, the girl wandered into the middle of it.


She whipped her head around at the sound, the haunting noise of a stick breaking and cutting through the forest's lullaby. Bushes ruffled disturbingly. 

Not another thought went by before numerous large beasts jumped out from the bushes around her.


Their muzzles clenched and pulled back, gums and yellow teeth snarling at their new prey. Disgusting bumps covered their bodies, some missing eyes or ears. 

Diseased. Sick. Angry. 

Whitened eyes glared her down as if she were the most disgusting thing on earth, predators needing to tear their roadblock apart.

Blaine warned her- she truly did. River wished she believed her.

Tears brimmed the bowls of her eyelids, her body trembling under the cold talons of fright. They snarled and circled their prey like sharks.

"Don't move."

River gasped as a rough voice snarled within the back of her mind, causing her to stop shaking completely. She was as still as a statue. The tone was laced with heavy venom; a brutal command hissed between teeth.

Her life flashed before her very eyes. Scenes of what she wanted to achieve faded to dust, and the little joy she grasped along the path of life barely pinched between her fingertips. She wanted to get to know Lucifer more, but how would she if she was dead?

Within barely a second, a humungous white flash struck across her eyesight. The snarling wolf once before her was dragged into the brush in the blink of an eye.

All around River, howls of agony and torture screamed like the souls of the damned. Blood shot across the clearing, bathing the grass. Limbs flew through the air, intestines and insides, slamming against trees and rolling down to the bottom. 

Constant flashes of white flew around as if the grim reaper's soul were wreaking havoc upon the beasts with his own two hands.

As soon as it began, it was over.

Before she stood a beast from legend. 

Paws and maw soaked with the crimson blood of the damned, black claws digging themselves into the soaked earth. Glowing white fur wistfully danced in the subtle breeze. She's never seen a wolf like this.

Her height merely reached the wolf's forearm. Wide, yellow eyes with blood-red irises stared her down—not with disdain but with horror. Scars coated its body, and three long claw marks forever stained the left side of its face. 

Its maw was parted to show the dripping waterfall of the blood of its victims. 

Its horrifying stare changed to that of sorrow and grief. The beast's ears pulled back. River could only stare, frozen in place. Her heart ached so loudly that it felt like a thunderstorm within her body. Her blood and adrenaline pumping like prey about to be killed.


That same snarling voice hissed within the back of her mind. 

As if it were the words of god, River followed it. 

Her boots slammed against the blood-soaked earth as she bolted into the brush, away from the monster. Her heavy breath escaped in mere puffs as the frightened woman returned home in record time. 

When it took her 10 minutes to reach that clearing, it took her mere minutes while she was sprinting.

Reaching the front door of her cabin, she threw the door wide open and slammed it shut behind her. She locked it tight. The only time she froze back in place was after sealing every window and covering them with curtains. 

Ice-blue eyes stared at the mirror on the wall; disgust and horror washed across her face.

The blood from the murdered wolves covered her entire body.

It was disgusting proof that it happened.

It was disgusting proof that it happened

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