Chapter 25 | Let Me Be Yours

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Lucifer was sprawled out on his side, his button-up slightly unbuttoned to reveal most of his chest

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Lucifer was sprawled out on his side, his button-up slightly unbuttoned to reveal most of his chest.

His eyes were trained on her adoringly, his chocolate hues watching her every movement as if hypnotized. His eyes were slightly lidded, and his brows curved upward as a show of his comfort.

She sat with her legs resting on each other off toward the right. In her lap, held steady between her pale hands, was a mug of red wine.

Alcohol wasn't her thing- but she was feeling confident and decided to drink it during their picnic.

"I've never asked about your hobbies," She'd start, her fingers tapping the glass mug.

He hummed and popped a red grape into his mouth. "I like to work out," he told her. "I like pushing myself and breaking a sweat, know?"

River giggled, "If you count eating as exercising- then I'm pretty good at it."

Lucifer chuckled as he grinned playfully, "Well, maybe you and I could work out," He rested his cheek on the palm of his hand, "Oh- and I fuckin' love cars... I should show you my collection."

She'd tilt her head, "Like the McLaren and Rolls Royce?"

He puffed his cheeks out and sighed, "Czinger, Ferrari, Bentley, and my personal favourite is my Delange." He counted the cars with his fingers, "And... My dad gifted me that Rolls Royce." He glanced at the lake beside them. 

"I drive it when I'm in a bad mood because I don't care if I damage it." The man admitted.

River furrowed her brows, "Why?"

Lucifer shrugged, "He popped up as I got older and tried drowning me in gifts... he was suddenly super invested in my life."

Taking a sip of her wine, River scoffed and shook her head, "Right after your mom did all of the work?"

Lucifer couldn't help but chuckle at her response and stared into her eyes, "Yep. The only thing I have to thank him for is the company he gave me... pulled us out of our poverty."

Her eyes widened. Lucifer... grew up impoverished?

Looking embarrassed, he sat up and grabbed his nearby glass of wine. He swirled the red liquid, watching it slosh around and against the sides, before taking a brisk gulp. He cast his eyes to the grass.

"It turns out it's hard for two moms to get by in life." He sighed. "Most of the time, Maman wouldn't eat, so Sors and I could..."

Frowning, she kept her glass of wine upright and crawled toward him. It was easy to assume Lucifer was talking about his French mom when he called her that.

"I'm good, I'm good-" He tried to say, weakly smiling as she approached and gently rubbed his cheek.

Lucifer sighed blissfully as she soothed him, "That sounds awful, mon chou-" She cooed.
[My cabbage.]

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