Chapter 14 | Common Ground

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Talk about the cold shoulder.

The ride was amazing. It was in an expensive car with leather seats and warm heating, but the man beside her did not utter a word.

The talons of the night pricked along the edges of the windows, the temperature hissing under her fingertips whenever she poked the window.

Nerves tingled through her entire body, sweat rolling down her neck.

River attempted many conversation starters or icebreakers, but Lucifer was not budging.

His warm brown eyes glared at the road as if deep in thought.

After what felt like ages, the mighty purr of the supercar slowed as he approached River's dainty cabin. Now that she knew he was rich, she felt embarrassed with him seeing her tiny home.

"Thank you, Lucifer." She muttered nervously, fidgeting with her fingers.

Reaching for the door handle, the butterfly doors swung up before she could. Lucifer reached his large hand out to her. Pausing for a moment and realizing what was happening, she graciously took his hand and allowed him to pull her out of the car.

For a moment, she couldn't help but feel like Lucifer was staring at her dress.

Was it dirty? Did she sit on something? Was it not up to his expectations? So many worries crossed her mind.

Nervously, the woman couldn't help but feel like her butt might be hanging out. No way it could, but she was still anxious.

Taking precautions, she tugged her dress further down her thighs. River treaded towards her front door, a low rumble sounding behind her from Lucifer's direction.

The car doors shut automatically as she neared the cabin.

Lucifer helped her up the steps. Taking her keys from her dress pocket, she opened her home door.


Tingles shot up her spine as a warm hand softly pressed against her exposed back. She clenched her thighs unconsciously, shivering under his dominating touch.

The plump woman sucked in a breath, unable to respond to his call.

He slowly began to push his body against her back. River gasped when she felt a hard bulge press against her bottom.

"L-Lucifer." She breathed.

His chest vibrated against her when he released a pleased growl, the paintings on her walls shaking in place.

Lucifer pressed his nose into her neck, taking in her scent. "Mmm..." He hummed as his hands slowly came out to grip her hips.

With a surge of confidence, "... Were you jealous of Alpha Lycoris?" She whispered.

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