Chapter 24 | You Slow Down Time

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She's officially been at his house for three days.

Those three days have been an absolute blessing for him. Every time he wakes up and rolls over, he gets to see her beautiful face.

Every moment he spent with her felt like it went by too quickly. Time would roll on too quickly when he was with her, the days passing by quicker, but time would slow back down when River wasn't around.

To say he was in love would be an understatement.

Arriving home after the disturbing news of The Tyrant- he wasn't in the best of moods. Imagine his utmost pleasure when he can't find his best source of joy.

Gritting his teeth and tapping his dress shoe, he searched the house from top to bottom, and all he could find were old traces of her scent. His heart would shake every time he reached a spot covered in her scent—only to find she wasn't there.
He reached his bedroom, the one they'd been sharing, where her scent was at its strongest. Despite her not being there, the sheets swam with their shared smells. She smelt like a calm ocean—the subtle salty air waving through the air.

He fell face-first onto her side of the bed. His face was shoved into her pillow, his black hair becoming messy as he rubbed his face all over it.

Maybe she was still at work.

But he wanted her to be here now! Oh, his life is just so hard.

Lucifer could practically hear Vulcan rolling his eyes.

Her smell covered the pillow like a heavy layer of fog. It muddied his mind in mindless euphoria- sending him deep into his mind as he imagined her face, body, touch, and voice. Her smell was like a drug.

Canines are guided, at their forefront, by their nose.

The world is categorized by smell for them. While humans mainly know something for its appearance or colour- the canine's nose sees something completely different.

He trusted his nose before he trusted his eyes- it was just instinct.

And Lucifer's nose knew damn well that River's scent was the best thing in the world. That smell was attached to the woman herself- considering he loves every attribute about her. He was gobsmacked with adoration.

His phone vibrated in his pocket.

Rolling onto his back, he brushed his messy hair out of his eyes and slid his phone out. Hovering it above his head, risking it all just to be lazy, he checked his screen.

A message from Hno❤️

It meant River in Liúkan. He thought it was sweet.

Perking up, Lucifer swiped his phone open. It automatically scanned his face before opening up to River's private messages.

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