Chapter 18 | Discover for Myself

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The darkness hugged her tightly

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The darkness hugged her tightly. 

Cold talons ran through her fur- delicately drumming against her soft skin.

From the depths of the forgotten, she could see her.

She felt grief. 

She felt pain. 

She felt sadness. 

Everything was becoming worse- everything was going wrong. Her reason for being was stamped on. There, right there, through that window, stood that plump French woman.

Every day, the plan she cohesively wrote out was getting murky like water-damaged paper.

It was stressful- it hurt her heart. It rattled in her ribcage like a struggling engine only running on fumes. Things were getting worse, new factors being thrown in, and she was beginning to think she won't be able to protect River from the fate she suffered.

In the back of her mind, like a gentle caress, a voice soothingly coos.

"Tout s'arrangera."
[It'll all work out.]

Work was an escape

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Work was an escape.

After returning home from the club, Lucifer lingered a while longer before she ultimately had to go to work the following day.

She was in a dark pit of despair. 

River was unable to vent to anyone, as they were all she was afraid of. 


When she looked at herself in the mirror, she saw a pale blue-eyed woman staring back. But behind that mask was a creature. Was it true that a beast was inside of her? All of her life, she has walked along with the idea that she was normal.

The platinum blonde grasped the wheel of her truck tightly. 

No longer could she trap herself in her home when she would be trapping herself with a monster. With herself. River released a deep breath she had been holding in.

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