in the game

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you played in a game and learned some stuff but also survived with two other people it was a 4 of clubs, you learned that once your in the game you cannot leave and you learned when you win a game you have a visa for a couple of days depending on the game, but you didn't know about the cards? what did the cards the cards mean and why did you have to play for cards?., your visa was about to end tomorrow so you decided to play a game today and get the game down and over with, while you were walking you walked into a building with a couple of other people, there were more people then you thought it would be, you grabbed a phone and just stood in a corner, when the game started the game was hide and seek you tried looking for a door that would open, you didn't know what you would do when the tagger showed up but you just wanted to get the game done when you looked around and looked up you saw someone, he had a hoodie up but you know he was looking right back at you but you ended up looking away cause you weren't going to let him distract you and you end up dying, your life is at risk right now and you aren't going to let a guy be the reason you die. so you ran continue to look for the door but then you heard a guy scream but you didn't hear it clear but you heard something to do with saying were the tagger was and you were going to help to get this game cleared so you continued looking and you heard a girl say about where the tagger was so you made sure not to go to that floor and you saw a guy from the top floor come next to you "come on this way." he said and pulled you a tiny bit but you manage to just walk by yourself and followed him then y'all met up with another guy "so you figured it out to didn't you." the guy next to you said "yea" he said and put his hand on the doorknob but you saw that he was hesitating to open it "well aren't you going to open it?" the guy next to you spoke again "why didn't that guy just stood here?" the one that had his hand on the doorknob said "maybe there is something we just don't know" the guy next to you said, once the one guy opened the door, y'all three went in but then you heard one of the guys scream "look out!" and someone started shooting the guy with blonde hair pulled something out his pocket and used it to tase the shooter but then the shooter started shooting like crazy and he pulled you close to him to avoid you getting shoot and pulled out the room with his closing the door "w-what the fuck was that!?" you asked surprised you almost died "there was another tagger in the room waiting..." he said and you moved remember about that other guy and they you heard the guy in the room scream "the safe zone is in room 406, it's impossible to clear this game alone, we need two people two people to do it!", you looked over at the blonde guy which siad "are you kidding me.."and them he sighed "shouldn't we help him!?" you said just wanting to get this game over with and live, he looked at you and then opened the door slowly not seeing the shooter in sight y'all both walked in carefully you were behind him then y'all saw a door open he peaked in and shooting happened so he moved his head to not get shoot a girl game in through the window saying "you called?" and she jumped out the way cause the shooter started shooting like crazy then the guy next to you threw the thing he used before on the person to the girl and she caught it using it on the shooter then they quickly ran to the buttons hitting it before the time could hit one, 'omg i thought i was going to die...' you said in you head then you saw the shooter was a women and she just got blown after a little bit of time you were still in the room the women died in with your head down "you going to stay until you die or what?" you heard a familiar voice say you looked up and saw the blonde haired guy in front of you looking down at you "i don't really have anywhere else to go..." you said looking away "well i just got what i need i'm heading back to a place called the beach, i can take you there and you could stay." he said "i don't even know your name what if you just are trying to steal my cards and leave me to die." you said to him and he smiled a little "nice to know you actually are smart about it. names chishiya and honestly i'm not really interested in the cards right now, come on before you let your visa die." chishiya said and nodded and got up "oh sorry it's rude of me, my name is y/n" you said and he nodded in reference that he heard you., a couple of minutes later you were in front of something called the beach and you were leading the some place that you met a guy called hatter, and he told you about the whole thing you had to give him your cards which you did and then he told you about the fact that you had to wear a bathing suit the whole time but you could in joy yourself whoever you wanted, you didn't mind it so much,  you went to a room that they said you could have as yours and you got dressed after you did you walked around and went to the back seeing a bunch of people partying and messing around in the pool, and sat in a spot and looked around you saw chishiya talking to some other girl, you thought she looked really pretty and you kinda thought that was his girlfriend, he looked over at you and the girl noticed and he looked back at him talking to him and he looked back at her and started talking too then the girl walked over to you sitting next to you "your new here right?" she asked "yea, my name is y/n" you said smiling a little "nice to meet you my name is kuina" she said nicely "that is a very pretty name, so are you chishiya's girlfriend?" you asked very curiously, "no, no definitely not., i am just his friend, i am a single girl" she said laughing a little "oh sorry i thought you were, because when he was in the game he wasn't talking to anyone really and i saw him talking you so i just kinda thought well you know" you said "yea i get it, he doesn't really talk to much people i was kinda surprised when he told me he was the one that brong you here." she said looking over a chishiya who was talking to some other person  "do you like him?" you asked "no i just think he is never interesting and i just wanted to let you know chishiya is not the type of person to bring any random person here, i think there is something about you that seems different to him, just don't make him regret it cause he doesn't deserve that" she said "i won't but uhm what do you mean by that?" you said a little confused from what she just said "well i can't really say anything else, but i need to go do something i will see you later alright?" she said and got up from where she was sitting "alright, bye bye" you said smiling and she smiled back then left, after a little bit of you drinking one of the drinks you got a guy came up to you "well hello pretty girl, your new here aren't, cause i never seen you here before" he said messing with your hair a little, and you moved away a little "yes i am.. and who are you?" you asked getting uncomfortable from this man already " my name is niragi, i'm a one in a kind man." he said holding the one gun he had 'hatter did say there was only a specific people that were only allowed weapons and i'm guessing that he is one of them.' you said in you head "niragi don't you  got some business to do with aguni" you saw chishiya say while walking towards y'all while saying "huh!, keep walking this has nothing to do with you." he said looking at chishiya while holding your arm that he grabbed for you didn't leave and chishiya saw "i'm saying you should leave her alone, she did nothing to you, and she obviously wants nothing to do with you." chishiya said you saw a bunch of people looking over at y'all, you were literally thinking that someone was going to get shot from this man "you got some nerve getting involved just leave me and this girl alone.." he said with a little more of a anger tone. "you don't even know here name, just leave her alone." chishiya said you saw kuina walk next to chishiya seeing what was going on then a big guy with a scar that you saw from the last game came from the crowd "niragi leave her alone and come on" the guy said, he growled then walked over the guy but before he left he said something in chishiya's ear smirking but chishiya didn't look happy, you rubbed your arm that niragi grabbed cause it hurt a little and kuina came up to you making sure you were alright and you told her you were and she explained the whole entire thing to you, and chishiya told you that you needed to stay away from niragi and the other guys and you just nodded

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