(oneshot) baby daddy part 2

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when y'all got to the room along with arisu and usagi and chishiya explained everything and usagi mentioned that if arisu and them get caught aguni and his gang won't hesitate to kill them "don't worry i will keep watch, and i will let y'all know if they start moving your way" chishiya said "this is the only thing we can do now" arisu and to usagi then after that you and chishiya went to place for aguni to open the envelope and after he did and went to talk with all the member y'all got in pace you were with chishiya while usagi watched and arisu went to go find the safe when they were getting ready to leave chishiya went to them and you followed behind "het aguni, i need to talk to you" chishiya siad and aguni stopped and looked at him then you "make it quick i don't have all day"aguni said crossing his arms "i saw arisu and usagi doing something sketching near your room, i don't think they are doing something they are supposed too" chishiya stated you had a face of guilt for doing this to them cause they were your friends mainly after that game and you helped arisu, you spaced out for a little and soon you noticed chishiya grabbed your side and had you to started walking, after a little walking and went into the room arisu was supposed to go in you seen him down at the safe, "you got some gut to be doing this." niragi said looking at him then you heard yelling and looked back and seen usagi being held by two people "usagi! let her go!" arisu said getting up and tried running over to her but then got hit down to the floor by niragi you flinched when he got hit "thank you chishiya, if it wasn't for you, you don't know what would have happened" aguni said "just trying to help" chishiya said smiling a little, you were on edge of tears cause you never knew that you would do this to someone, and you never seen this part of chishiya before, he was always sweet and nice and even caring but betrayal was not something you thought he would of done after a little you and him left the room and went to y'all shared room he sat on the chair and grabbed his book and started reading you were sitting on the bed and looked at him "do you not feel any guilt?" you asked "of what?" he said putting his book down and looked at you "of what we did to usagi and arisu.." you said "well sometimes you need to do the unexpected to get what you need." chishiya said you sighed and went back to reading after a couple of hours you and kuina were watching out for people while chishiya went to go get the cards, you and kuina were talking then last boss started walking by and stopped and looked at y'all kuina and you looked at him and kuina winked then he turned and walked off. after a little y'all ended up outside "well i guess this is goodbye now that me and her got what we need" chishiya said "don't you feel bad, for arisu and usagi i mean" kuina said looking at the ground "well i will tell you the same thing i told y/n, somethings you need to do something bad to get where you need to be" chishiya said and you were about to walk but chishiya stopped you "wait!" he said and you backed up a little and chishiya threw his bracelet then a laser came down on it  then kuina went close to it and looked at them "no way this place is a game arena..." you said with a little bit of fear.

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