double date!

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you and chishiya made it official after you talk about it with each other the others know and they are happy about it, which it has a been a couple of days ago when that happened, yesterday you and usagi went out to look for a outfit for the dance she really wanted to go to, and you asked her if it was a date for her and arisu and she said no at first but you knew it was and you told her that you and chishiya was calling it a date and that is when she mentioned a double date and you giggled and nodded, so for your first date you won't be alone and neither will she and today is the day, which ann said that she had a surprise so you and chishiya were waiting then there was a beep so y'all went outside and saw a lambo, the window went down and saw aguni "aguni!!?" you said surprised "i didn't know you had a limbo aguni" chishiya said with a little smile on his face "i don't, i rented this cause ann said that y'all were going on a date and so was arisu and usagi, and she thought y'all would ant a really good first impression" aguni said and you giggled "well what are you waiting for get in." aguni said and y'all went to the bach, you were about to open the door but a hand got to it before you did you looked and saw it was chishiya you smiled "ladies first." he said opening it for you "thank you." you said and kissed his cheek and got in and he got in after you and closed the door "arisu and usagi are with ann and kuina at kuina's house so we will stop there then y'all go to the dance" aguni said "that's fine" you said "hey aguni" chishiya said "hm?" aguni said focusing on the road "i am going to close this, knock on it to let us know when we are there" chishiya said "alright." aguni said, then chishiya closed the little window that showed aguni "why did you want to close it?" you asked a little confused, then chishiya went back over to you and went close to your ears "cause you look so fucking amazing in this dress its hard to keep control" he said then kissed your neck, "ch-chishiya c-can you please wait until were home" you said blushing "is this not comfortable to you?" chishiya asked lifting himself away from you neck "kinda.." you said honestly "will do then" he said smiling a little and gave you a kiss on the lips and sat back up making sure he wasn't really messing, a couple of minutes later there was a knock on the window slide and a minute later the door was opened with usagi and arisu coming into view "hey guys!" you said with a lot of joy in your voice and they said hi back, usagi came in first then arisu did and closed the door, the limbo started moving and you started to feel a little nervous "have any of y'all went to a dance before?" you ask "i never did, that's why i really wanted to when i heard about it!" usagi said with excitement "i never did either, i was normally in my room playing games" arisu said "i'm not a dancing fan, so no i have not." chishiya said "at least i am not the only one, i get so nervous when these type of things go on" you admitted "well you got all of us, we are just going to have some fun" usagi said and you smiled "thanks usagi" you said and she gave you a hug and you hugged back "well lets see how this all goes and just have some fun" chishiya said and arisu nodded in agreement. it was a little dive and y'all talk a while about a little bit of past stuff and funny moments once y'all got there the car stopped and you hear a door open but it wasn't on your side you look on chishiya's side and saw that aguni opened the door "you are here now" he said getting out of the way, chishiya got out and held his hand out for you to grab, you grabbed it and got out of the limbo and arisu did the same y'all said bye to aguni and he said that he will be back at 9 to pick y'all up and y'all all nodded and said that it was fine, y'all went in seeing a bunch of people dancing drinking and having fun "this kinda looks like a club" you said "all i know is they said it was a couple dance" usagi said shrugging her shoulder, you looked over to chishiya's side but he wasn't there you looked around and seen that he was at the drinks and you giggled a little "come on arisu let's dance a little" usagi said and he nodded with a little blush on his face "have fun you love birds" you said laughing while watching usagi pull arisu to the dance floor with the rest of the couples, chishiya came back over with two cups in his hand "here i got one for you too" he said and you grabbed the cup "thank you shiya" you said smiling "would you want to dance?" you asked looking at the other couples dancing and smiling when you seen usagi and arisu "it's not even just dancing it's slow dancing the best kind of dances" you said in joy "i'm guessing slow dancing is your favorite" chishiya said looking at you "i always thought slow dancing was so cute" you said "it can be, i guess we can dance, if it brings joy to your night" chishiya said laying his cup down that was almost empty and yours that was still filled and grabbed your hand leading you to the dance floor and grabbed your hips pulling you closer and you rapped your arms around his neck and laid your head on his chest rocking your bodies left and right, it was a very enjoyable moment y'all didn't talk but the music with the silents was just amazing to you, y'all were like that for a couple of minute then you spoke "for someone that doesn't like to dance you are a pro at slow dancing" you said and looked at him, he smiled a bit and said "just because i said i didn't like dancing doesn't mean i didn't know how to dance.", which got you thinking why didn't he like dancing if he knew how to dance to some things so well "shiya?" you said "yes y/n?" he said looking into your eyes "why don't you like dancing?" you asked "i just really was a dancing person, i was more of a reading and doing my own thing type of person" he said looking away from you but continued to dance with you. "so your kinda a geek" you said in a joking manner "if you see me as a geek then i guess i am a geek, at least i know what to do and what not to do" he said with a tiny smile on his face "was that supposed to be targeted at someone?" you asked laughing a bit "maybe." he said and kissed your cheek after a little while later the music changed and you broke away from chishiya and went over to usaig and arisu and danced playfully with usagi, y'all both laughed and messed around, y'all ate some snacks and drinked a couple of drinks and just enjoyed your time there but then the fun there soon came to an end when aguni got there and took y'all home, once y'all got inside you took off your shoes in a relief to finally let your feet rest, then you went to the room, and went to the closet since that is where your clothes was now you got out the dress you had on now in your underwear, you then turned around planning on taking a shower then getting changed and right in sight was chishiya on the bed out of his shirt and put still in his pants "getting really comfortable aren't you" chishiya said seeing you only in your underwear "i'm about to get a shower, but i really need to get out of that dress" you said "your gonna take a shower, can i join?" he asked bluntly "i- uhm.. i-if you want" you said blushing badly and went to the bathroom you got undressed then went into the shower turning the water on letting it get to a good temperature, after a little you felt someone behind you and raps their arms around your waist you knew it was chishiya, you stayed quiet while letting the water fall onto you both. after y'all took a shower y'all both got out chishiya wrapping a towel around his waist and you wrapping a towel around your breast, y'all both went into the room drying yourseveles off and then getting dressed, after y'all got dressed y'all layed down with each other and cuddled watching show with each other enjoying the night with each other

(ok guys that's were i am ending the story i might add to this by doing oneshots, and i might do a niragi x fem reader too but not that sure yet, but i hope y'all enjoyed to story)

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