revenge is real (oneshot)

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back story:

you and chishiya were in a game with Niragi, and during the battle against these weird things you were away from chishiya , who is your boyfriend by the way, anyways in the last second of the games Niragi moved behind you and unexpected and no time for you to move you got shot "y/n!!" chishiya yelled then the phone went off "survivors have completed the game" chishiya ran over and looked at you then looked at Niragi "what the hell did you do!?" he yelled at Niragi and picked you up then took you to the car and kept you up as much as you could the good thing is the gunshot didn't hit anything important but your breathing was heavy and you were panicking once y'all got back to the beach ann and chishiya rushed you to get you fixed up after Ann was done you hugged her "thank you so much..", she smiled and nodded "of course but I think you should go find chishiya, he was not happy one bit.." an said you you nodded and left the room

Back story down:

After you left, you looked around and didn't see him so you saw Kuina and went over to her "hey kuina did you see chishiya at all?" You asked and she looked at you "yea he said he was going to his room, what happened though he didn't look happy one bit?" She asked "I will tell you later I am going to go check on him" you said and ran off and she just waved while being a little confused but then she looked at you stomach seeing you were rapped up and that kinda hint to her what happened, when you got to chishiya's room, you knocked on the door and the door opened and you seen him right there and he looked at you "are you ok?" You asked him while fiddling with your fingers and then he hugged you "I should be asking you that question you were the one that go hurt not me" he said "I'm ok now, so you don't need to worry anymore, can I come in?" You asked and he moved to the side and you walked in you noticed he had stuff on his bed you looked at the stuff and looked at him "so what are you making?" You asked "a little something that I thought would be a lot of help" he said "can you explain what it does cause I'm really curious" you asked "so as you know this is a water gun but I didn't fill it with water I filled it with gasoline, and I am going to tape with lighter to it so when I stray the gasoline out it will make the flame of the lighter more power flow kinda like a flame blower" he said and you listened to it all "that is really smart but what are you going to use it for?" You asked "whatever I can use it for." He said and continued working on it and just watched him, after he was done he looked back up at you "what?" you asked "are you sure you are ok?" he asked "what you scared i am going to die" you said laughing  "is that bad?, you are my girlfriend are you not?" chishiya said looking you in the eyes "w-well you are b-but that's what i was heading for" you said blushing "then what?" he said getting out of his seat going over to you putting his hands on the bed with you in between and with his face close to yours "what's wrong, why are you getting all shy now?" chishiya asked, "it's not that.. i was just..." you were going to finish your sentence but then you heard people rushing past the door "what the heck is going on?" you asked and chishiya moved and went to the door and you were with him close behind, chishiya opened the door and seen people hurry then kuina came to the door "hey" she said "what is going on?" you asked "the beach is a game arena and there is a game starting now and the worst of it all is the game is a 10 of hearts game.. so we need to hurry" kuina said and y'all all went and got the phones and while the girl was talking chishiya pulled you close to him and went close to your ear "don't worry i promise nothing is going to happen to you this time i swear on my life." he said and you looked at him and nodded, you believed him cause this wouldn't have been the first time for him saving your life because you went to the emergency room before and he was the one to be there and take care of you. You and chishiya walked away from the stuff that was happening now that y'all knew what the game was about and since aguni said about just killing everyone chishiya was not going to just sit around and have you or him being hurt, he told you about stay with kuina while he did something and you listened you trusted him and you also trusted kuina a lot because she became your best friend ever since you joined into the beach. After a while you had to run away with ann because kuina ended up going one on one with first boss, you didn't want to leave her cause you were scared and didn't want to lose her but ann pulled you away after a little chishiya went and looked for you and found you you ran over to him and hugged him "oh my god, i am so happy you are ok.., everything is getting out of hand me and ann had to run away because first boss showed up and she was the one to deal with him, i didn't want to leave her side but ann pulled me away.." you said wanted to just ball out in tears "i'm glad she did, but it's ok i am here now i dealt with the problem so i won't leave your side again.. until i know you are safe for sure." chishiya said hugging you back after a little bit you and chishiya went over to a part of the beach were y'all could see everyone talking but they didn't notice y'all and then soon the game came to a end and so did the beach, did you and chishiya knew what y'all were going to do next, not really but chishiya wasn't just going to sit around until you and him died, you did end up asking chishiya what the problem he had to deal with and he ended up telling you "the problem i dealt with was niragi, i went to the roof and found him, i had a little talk with him but then i used the weapon i made on him, long story short he wasn't alive long after" he said "wait is that why he was so messed up and burnt up like the way we saw him?" you asked and he nodded "he deserved it.. mainly after what he did to you.." chishiya said you smiled a little bit you didn't like that he did something out of his character but he did to it for you because niragi put you in danger and almost had you dead just to save his on life..

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