the plan

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"hey arisu and usagi!" you yelled seeing them walking towards the back, they turned around seeing you and they both smiled "chishiya came up with a plan, he told me to come and get y'all" you said smiling and breathing a little heavy from running "he did?" usagi asked "mhm, come on he is in the room, he will explain it when we get there" you said and they nodde, you were in front walking while they were behind you following you, once y'all got to the room, you opened the door and let them in first then you went in closing the door behind you "ok now i am going to go through the plan" chishiya said getting off his seat and arisu and usagi sat down while you stood near the tv "so aguni is going to have a talk with everyone in a couple of minutes and while he does that that is when we are going to have our plan go into move, y/n and usagi will watch for just in case someone comes, i will be in watch of aguni letting you know when he start talking, then arisu you will go in finding the safe and i will tell you everything else after that." chishiya siad "do we really want to do this though?" you asked looking at chishiya "its the only good thing to do right now?" chishiya said and arisu agreed, everyone got into their station, you waited behind one wall and right across from you was usagi, you looked at usagi seeing she didn't have anything but you did but you tried not questioning it so much after a little while you heard your walking-talking ""y/n get out of there, aguni and his guys are on their way over there" chishiya said through it "what about usagi?" you whispered "don't worry about you just get out of there!" chishiya said, then you figured out what chishiya was trying to do but you weren't going to risk your friends life. "usagi get out of here, aguni is on his way down!" you said usagi looked at you, and you know she was question about you "i will be behind you just go!" you said and then you saw you run, she looked back once but you left hands on by the time she was out of sight "let me go!!" you screamed after a little bit you were brong into a room and you saw aguni and his men in the room and you saw arisu on the ground looking at y'all "arisu!?" you yelled then you looked at chuishiya, you looked at you his eyes went wide a little bit not expecting to see them have you, your eyes started to water a little "thanks chishiya we wouldn't have found out about them if it wasn't for you" aguni said "wow, y/n?, y/n was helping arisu!? how does it feel to know your own gf betrayed you, she was going run off and leave you here!" niragi said, chishiya face changed, but his face went ot unbothered face but you knew he didn't want you to be the one caught he wanted usagi to be caught "let me go!!, chishiya please!!" you screamed, chishiya couldn't bare hearing you, he felt like his life was going to break, you let you get in danger "let her go!!" arisu yelled but got hit by niragi and got knocked out "no!! leave him alone! please he's my best friend!!" you yelled starting to cry "take her out" niragi said smirking a little while you were being dragged out out of your screams you heard niragi tell chishiya said, he said "i'm going to have a fun time with your girlfriend, chishiya's fist balled up hearing him say that, and he walked out, you were brong to a room and thrown onto a bed being pinned to the bed by four people "please, i didn't i anything!!" you yelled and niragi went on top of you "not even i would of guessed you would be the one to betray us" niragi said looking down at you "i would of never betrayed hatter but with y'all in control ,we're all dead!" you yelled the last part "chishiya's poor heart in probably broken" niragi said with fake sympathy, niragi started licking up your leg and stomach and when he was getting close to your lip with his tongue out, you moved you head but he got close to you and you quickly bit his tongue piercing out and he yelled in pain the smacked you, he was about to move close to you again but the tv went on, y'all all looked and saw a game pop on you were released from everyone on being surprised so you took the time and ran away, you wiped the blood off your lips and quickly found kuina walking "kuina!!" you screamed while crying she looked at you with wide eyes "are you ok??!, chishiya told me what happened.. he wasn't happy one bit.." kuina said hugging you when you were close enough to her then looked at her "what do you mean he wasn't happy one bit?" you asked "the way his voice was sounded like he wanted to murder everyone in his sight" she said "we need to go and get our phone before the game starts!" you said realizing you need your phone and she nodded, y'all both started quicking going to the main room and you saw everyone in fear grabbing their phones you got yours kuin didn't get one since she already had hers from early "so why were you wondering around anyways?" you asked "i knew you would get anyway some way so i kept moving around hoping you would run into me someway" kuina said looking at the phone you smiled a little knowing that proves she was a true friend and chishiya popped into your friend "where is chishiya?!" you looked at he quickly "i don't know we splitted up after we got our phone, he said he had get something made, and then everyone gasped and you went closer looking and saw momoka's body her best friend asashi quickly ran to her crying, and you heard that people kept blaming her, "enough!" mira said "why are y'all just blaming her, if anything any of y'all could of killed her!, where were all of y'all and can you prove it!?" you screamed moving next to mira, and she looked at you smiling a little and you saw usagi and he went next to you quickly, "i know it wasn't me or you cause we were having fun in bed" niragi said teasing and you grind your teeth in frustration, then aguni said came in view but his words were blur being you looked up a little seeing chishiya look at a wall in front of him with a dull face you quickly ran, and kuina amd usagi saw you run so they chased after you "y/n!?" usagi said chasing after you, you turned and from a distance there was chishiya in front of you looking at you with wide eyes once again "y/n??" you said, you ran towards him jumping his his arms, he quickly wrapped his arms around you "why would you do that.." you said in a whisper tone, you looked back and only saw kuina "where's usagi!?" you said "she left to hind arisu" kuina said "come on, we need to hurry" chishiya said seeing them shooting up the place, you, chishiya and kuina went t another room and shut the door "you want to know something" kuin said leaning against the wall "what?" you said sitting on the table near chishiya "we don't even know if one of us are the witch" kuina said laughing a bit "well if one of y'all are then i wouldn't mind being killed cause it's in ya'll hands" you said smiling and you looked at chishiya and he winked at you, "weirdo" you said laughing and kuina "well i am going to go, i need to go see something" kuina said "please be careful" you said and kuina looked at you and smiled "always" she said and then left the room closing it behind her, and you looked over at chishiya and saw he was looking at the monitors "why didn't you leave when i told you too.." he said "i couldn't let my friend get hurt.. if what happened to me.. happened to her i wouldn't be able to live with myself" you said looking at the ground "you could really die doing this y/n! this is not the real world, you need to stop putting yourself before others! it's your life or theirs and i rather it be others!" chishiya said standing up from his chair and you looked up at him "you wanna know why i keep trying to live?! do you really!?" chishiya asked and you nodded "it because of you! i live because i know you care! i know you actually truly love me for me!, i want to be able to see you everyday, but i don't want to live at the same time know their could be a day i would lose you.. like i almost just did!" he said, that was your first time actually here him confess his true feelings, you wanted to cry but you were happy at the same time, he never really said anything that had to deal with his feelings, you looked at your hands they were shaking a little you looked at him again but you really couldn't see his face cause of his hoodie being up and his hair blocking his face a little (kinda like the pic at the very top) "chishiya" you spoke but you didn't turn to you or anything, but once you put your head down again you saw the bottom half of his body turn to you you looked up at him and saw him go to yu and put his one hand on your chin lifting your head a little and then he kissed you, it was a small kiss but a soft passionate kiss, he broke it but kept his face close to yours and said "if you don't get what i'm trying to say, i'm trying say that i love you and i want you to be with me.. y/n will you be my girlfriend, my official girlfriend" you smiled "i would love to be" you said and he gave a smile smile "good" he spoke then kissed you one last time before pulling  you off the table "come on i need to do something, stay close to me just in case something happens" chishiya said and you nodded

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