jack of hearts.

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some days passed and you got splitted up from everyone so you have been trying to survive and try to find your friends you really hated being alone mainly in games but you did, you finally got to the game you wanted to do which of the jake of hearts. once you got in you saw something on the table of you grabbed it and put it on your neck and then you realized what it was and got a little scared cause you remember the game of tag and the woman that died but you continued. you walked in seeing a ton of people you looked over seeing the game with a blue dress look at you, you didn't like her the minute you saw her, you continued looking around taking in your surroundings,  but the screen turned on before you could look around completely. it started explaining the game so you listened to the rules.  each round is 1 hour. players are free to talk anywhere during this time, there is food and water and while this game is played your visa will not expire and it will stay the same from when you entered. In the final 5 minutes. all players must enter a cell and announce the mark that they think is on the back of their collar. If they're correct, they move onto the next round and their mark changes, and the cycle repeats. If the player remains silent or says the wrong mark, the collar explodes. Among the players is the jake of hearts. When the Jake of hearts dies, the remaining players all survive and the game is cleared. If two players remain, the jack including, only the jack of hearts will live. since their identity will become apparent. 3 actions are prohibited. 1. no more than 1 person may reside inside a locked cell, 2. players may not obstruct other players from entering a cell. 3. players may not revoke another's ability to announce their own mark. and lastly 4. you can't reflected your mark on something or look for yourself.  now the game will commence. you started the think and someone said about someone looking at the mark for them and telling them 'so i need to try and team up with someone... and try trusting them not to lie to me about my mark..' you thought to yourself and started looking around and saw a guy with a hoodie "chishiya..? " you said quietly and walked over the person turned their head and looked at you and their face came into view it was chishiya, and he smiled a little seeing you "team up with me." you said he looked you up and down then looked in your eyes "alright, sure." chishiya said, you and chishiya have through a lot mainly for him to gain your trust back after what he did to arisu. and you realized if you and him survive this game, you believe that you really can trust his word. you looked next to him and seen a boy that looked really on edge, "hi are you own his team too?" you asked and he nodded, "ok cool" you smiled a little. you turned and seen the girl with the blue dress walking over to y'all with a couple of people behind her "hi do y'all want to join our group?" she asked in a innocent type of voice "yea we'll join y'all." chishiya said behind you, and you could already guess that this is way of helping to guess who the jack. you saw a big scary like man, and you knew that you needed to watch out for him. after a little everyone started to help with the mark on the back the girl with blue dress went first people went and then chishiya went and you were the first to say "Spade." and people started agreeing with you and went last, moving your hair a little bit. you were a little scared but you trusted that chishiya would let you know if someone lied and tell you the real answer to your mark "your a heart." a voice said and you knew it was chishiya's voice it made you smiled and you heard everyone agree you turned around letting your hair go and you thanked everyone. after that was over it was time for y'all to give a answer walked with chishiya but went into one cell and it closed and locked behind you, you started breathing a little heavy but when you had to answer you trusted it and answered "heart." you said and nothing happened and you door opened which made you even more happier but this was only the start. you walked out and seen everybody else did you looked for chishiya and saw him and walked over to him, y'all went to where the snack where and you grabbed a little bag of cookies and sat down next to chishiya "at least we have some good snacks here." you said and he agreed "its difficult to get food out there unless you find the right place because of everything going expire" he said and you looked at him "i'm glad your ok, i knew you wouldn't have died cause it would be really difficult cause you know how to play your games right, but i was still just kinda worried.." you said then looked at your lap while saying the last part, he lifted your chin making you looked at him "trust me, i'm not dying if i get to see you again" he said smiling a little and you smiled too. he let your chin go and went close to your ear whispering "i love you and i wanted to be with you for a reason."  but pulled away seeing people enter in and grabbed snacks and drinks you looked at everyone and you did to the girl with blue looked at you with a face of disgust. now you kinda knew she hated your guts for some reason and you were gonna have watch other for her big time. you didn't tell chishiya cause you were trying to have anything happen but you stayed aware of your surroundings just in case. y'all went back to the main area and out of nowhere you heard yelling you looked and see that scary guy yelling at the boy to tell him the mark on his collar and the boy was on the floor with tears in his eyes, you felt bad for him another guy went over to him asking him if he was ok, you felt a hand on your side. you looked back a little and seen chishiya but he wasn't looking at you he was looking at what was happening, you knew that this was him trying to comfort you letting you know that you will be ok. you wanted to smile but didn't cause of what was going on but then you heard the boy on the ground say "it's a club...!" and the guy bent down and said "there we go, just answer a little faster next time." he walked he walked in front of y'all and saw that his mark was not a club, the boy that was teamed up with y'all was going to say something but chishiya stopped him, which you knew was the best idea. so he didn't say anything, it came to the time for y'all to say y'all mark, of course the girl with the blue dress went first and everyone told her and agreed what her sign was then you went after her moving your hair again you heard chishiya's voice again saying it was a diamond and everyone agreed then everyone else went, y'all had the boy that got into the problem on your team now because the girl asked him and he agreed. you felt off with a that girl though, and you noticed that chishiya only said your mark but never said anything with anyone else, that showed he only cared for your life over anyone else in the game. y'all gave y'all answers nad everyone survived but the guy that one boy that hurt the boy "now the game is really going to start because everyone is now going to get nervous." chishiya said to you and to the other boy, as y'all both look at him with a little fear in both of y'all eyes

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