hatter's game night

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everyone was partying like normal then when hatter was getting ready to leave everyone was going crazy you didn't bother watching because you think it was anything special, you were hanging out with usagi talking and kuina joined, y'all were talking then y'all saw chishiya and arisu go over to y'all "hatter just left" arisu said stopping in front of you and the other girls "well what do you think will happen now?" you asked "nothing right now but we need to wait until after the game and sees what happens" chishiya says and you nod "y/n do you want to go to the pool side and get some drinks" usagi asked and you nodded while smiling "can i tag along?" kuina asked and both you and usagi said yea, so you girls left the boys and went to the back and went to the bar area and started talking while y'all were away from the boys "so y/n what's your thought and all with chishiya?" usagi asked looking at you "huh? what do you mean" you asked looking at her while talking a sip of your drink "well you have a mark on your neck, so like are y'all dating?" she continued "i asked the same thing and she said they never talked about that so she doesn't know" kuina said "seriously i thought y'all were together" usagi said "well what about you and arisu?" you said trying to change the conversation of you and chishiya "we aren't dating" usagi said "but you like him, right?" kuina said smiling then started to drink the drink she had in her hand "well.. m-maybe" "y'all would be so cute together" you said and kuina agreed, then y'all saw arisu walk over to y'all, "mind if i join y'all?" he asked "not at all take a seat" you said moving a seat over from usagi "where is chishiya?" you asked "oh uhm, he said he had to go do something so i don't really know where he went" arisu said "i am going to go and try to find him" you said finishing your drink and getting up from your seat "do you want me to come with you?" kuina asked "no no its fine i will be right back" you said smiling and kuina nodded understanding what you were trying to say, then you left looking around and you weren't paying attention in front of you cause you bumped into someone "omg, i'm so sorry i wasn't looking where i was going" you said looking in front of seeing who you bumped into "oh its, perfectly fine." the guy said you saw who it was and now you kinda wished you had kuina come with you because it was niragi "ugh, out of all people why do i keep bumping into you" you said backing away and crossing your arms "maybe someone is trying to say something to us" he said smirking while looking at you "yea no, do you know where chishiya went?" you said then asked the last part looking around to see if you could spot him "last time i saw him was before hatter left., but why does it matter you can just hang out with me and maybe i could help with that little mark on your neck" he said walking closer to you, you kept backing away but you bumped into a wall and you was close to your face, "n-no, i rather keep the mark i have" you said moving his face avoiding "chishiya or someone please help me..." you said in a whisper tone "awe you'll be ok pretty girl, i'm not going to hurt you" he said close to your ear, but then  he got pulled away from you by someone "what the hell!?" niragi said and looked who it was, just like you wished it was chishiya, and you were filled with joy and relief "not happening while i'm here.." chishiya said while pushing niragi to the side and pulling you over to him "not my fault she bumped into me." niragi said still with that stupid smirk on his face that you hated, but chishiya hated the fact he won't stop., he didn't spend another time in front of him he just pulled you back to where your friends where at

(after hatter's game)

you, arisu, and usagi were walking to the meeting room and then y'all got stop but niragi and samura "what do y'all think y'all are doing?, y'all can't come in here." niragi said and then chishiya walked out and said "i asked y/n and him to come here, there is something important that they need to here." he said then they let you and him enter while y'all said bye to usagi, after you and arisu got next to chishiya. arisu asked what was going on and chishiya said "i have no clue but i don't have a good feeling about it, but were going to find out" chishiya said then y'all entered seeing hatter laying on the table, you put your hand on your mouth gasping while you stood behind chishiya holding his hooding a little to feel a little more safe knowing he is there, after everyone was in there mira spoke up "we can not tell anyone about this!, we don't want to freak people out.." she said with wide eyes, and then keiichi spoke "i will take hatter place as leader since i am number two, but niragi didn't seem to like that cause he said "wow wow, shouldn't the strongest take place as leader i think aguni should take place a leader how argees?" he said as he raised his hand but no one else did and aguni just stood there looking a hetter on the table " we agreed that number 2 takes leader if something happens to number 1, and we keep moving up!" keiichi said "the dead has no saying he can't say anything right now can he?" niragi said and went over to hatter's body hitting him with the gun a couple of times saying look and every time he did you flinched a little bit you never really saw this side of niragi but you did not like it at all, niragi stopped after aguni told him too and then he sat on aguni's place but then niragi started forcing people to vote for aguni by putting their guns in the other's faces but then it came to chishiya which wasn't fazed, you stayed behind him, "come on chishiya, you aren't going to be like that are you?" niragi said while walking over to y'all, "with aguni in charger this place will turn to hell." chishiya said, but then niragi lifted his gun pointing to chishiya's face, and chishiya lifted his hands saying "i vote for aguni to be leader, that's what you want wanted to hear right?" chishiya said with no fear on his face or in his voice "and what about you princess.?" niragi said looking at you seeing you behind chishiya he was about to get closer to you but you quickly moved to the other side of chishiya still being behind him "awe don't be afraid i'm not going to hurt you." he said but then ann spoke up "she has every right to be afraid of you, this isn't right!" niragi looked at her and chishiya looked at you and reached his hand back that was closed to you grabbing your shaking hand and putting his hand back in his pocket along with yours, niragi looked back at you "well princess?" he said he said looking at you "hatter would not have let this happen if he was still alive" you said and mira agreed "but he's not is he?" niragi said tilting his head a little, "we'll get back to you." niragi said and moved to arisu asking him but then samura scared him and flinched, you wanted to go over to arisu but chishiya stopped you by tightening his hand with yours that was in his pocket, signaling you not too "we just need you vote princess" niragi said walking back over to you "die in hell." you said and chishiya smiled a little "you little-" niragi said rising his gun up to hit you with it but chishiya quickly pushed you behind him fully "she votes for aguni too, ok now go." chishiya said and niragi growled and walked back to aguni "ok boss, don't you think it's time for you to open the black envelope?" niragi and that when everyone got together, arisu didn't go with but chishiya had you come and everyone sat down, you were just going to stand next to chishiya but he had you sit on his lap while aguni opened the letter, and chishiya started to think and watch aguni's face, after that he came up with an idea, on what to do and later that night he explained the idea to you and kuina first you didn't liked the idea so much but you kept your idea's to yourself, but kuina saw your face and she knew what your thoughts were and she agreed she didn't like it so much either.

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