game time

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you woke up and hung out with kuina and some other people and then everyone started to move out of fear and you saw aguni and his men walked up to y'all aguni looked at all of y'all and aguni told one of his men to grab the girl that y'all were sitting with but you and arisu moved and blocked her "don't touch her!" you yelled "hey pretty girl, i wouldn't get into this if i was you" niragi said smirking "she did nothing wrong so don't touch her!" you said speaking up niragi moved the hair behind your ear that was in your hair "it would be bad if something bad happened to a girl like you." he said licking his lips a bit "don't touch me!" you said pushing him away and kuina ran next to you "why would you that, are you crazy.." she whispered  and niragi laughed a little and he was about to say something else but then hatter came walking over "what's going on here?" hatter said and you saw chishiya next to hatter with hate in his eyes "don't get into this takeru, this isn't any of you business" aguni said "but late time i checked this is my business everything that happens in the beach is my business.!" hatter said, you went over to chishiya hugging him, and he rapped his one arm about your waist, you looked over a little and saw niragi looking over a you and chishiya, he saw you looking over at him and smirked evilly, and you felt chishiya's grip tighten, after the whole thing ended you walked around with chishiya, "chishiya i promise i didn't want to talk to him but i just couldn't let them put a hand on that girl.." you said looking at the ground but he didn't say anything just kept walking, but then you felt him grab your hip, turning you around and pinning you to the wall that was next to y'all "ch-chishiya what are you doing!?" you said and he kissed you neck again, putting his other hand on your waist gripping you a little tightly, but then you felt him bite and suck on your neck "m-mm~ ch-chishiya s-someone will see us" you said having your hands on his chest. but he didn't stop until he knew there was a mark on your neck and it was noticeable and when there was he stopped and looked at you, and you looked back at him in his eyes but not long because you ended up looking away, he kissed you on the cheek and he sighed walking off, you just stood there for a little watching him walk off 'did he just do that..' you asked yourself putting your hand on your neck where the mark is, and then you went to where everyone was for the game, going to kuina and she immediately saw you neck "uhm.. your neck?" she said pointing it out "ch-chishiya.." you said blushing and she smiled, so are y'all a thing now?" she asked " i don't know we never really said about it.." you admitted "well he obviously likes you if he is giving you nickeys and making sure your safe." she said laughing a little "i guess.." you said then you had to go to the game, and you did not enjoy it cause you were stuck with aguni and niragi, and niragi pulled you everywhere and you were on a ride with him alone as he shot the birds that were in the air, well at least you were safe right? but then he looked at you and saw the mark "a hickey?" he said smirking "awe did chishiya get jealous?" niragi said laughing and shot another bird "me and chishiya has nothing to do with you!, not to mention the fact that you literally are dragging me everywhere ever since you found out me and you are in the same game!" you said with attitude, "ughh, you are annoying for a cute girl." he said rolling his eyes, you saw another gun nearby and grabbed it shotting the two last birds that you saw "there that's done, you said and gave it back to him "sorry i just want to get this game done with, he looked at you surprised then smirked again "i think i like you even more." he said "uggghhh, get me off this ride!" you said moving away from him on the seat, after the game was over and you got back to the beach and went straight to looking for  kuina or chishiya, and you found kuina "oh my god i am so glad you are ok!" you said happily "i'm glad you are alright too." she said smiling "did you see chishiya, is he alright!?" you said a little worried "calm down y/n, its chishiya, he is perfectly fine." kuina said and you sighed a bit "sorry i was in a game with aguni and niragi, it was bad, niragi kept pulling me everywhere, and then i was stuck on a red with him alone the whole time, it was bad but the good thing is he didn't do anything" you said talking a little fast but kuina heard what you said "i feel bad for you, i almost died but the good thing is i lived, so that is a plus" kuina said, "yea that is good" you said laughing a little, "well i am going to look for chishiya" you said nad kuina nodded and then you left looking around then you saw chishiya walking with someone and you went over "chishiya!" you screamed a little and chishiya looked over at you and made a hand gesture for you to come over to him and you ran over to him hugging him "glad your ok" he said quietly in your ear and you smiled "come on we need to go somewhere, chishiya said and you followed him, once y'all got to a room y'all went in arisu stood there and chishiya went to a seat and you stood next to arisu but chishiya did the same thing he did before he moved a hand movement for you to go to him so he did, you stood next to him and then he looked over at the other nobody said anything about you being there so you stayed then there was a girl and she brong out cards that people won from the games that y'all just played and mentioned about them, you sat on the arms of the chair that chishiya was sitting on cause you didn't want to stand the whole time, and chishiya didn't say thing, he kept his hands in his pocket while he listened to everyone talk "i will play in the next game, whatever game it is." hatter said standing up from his seat "i can beat any game it is!" hatter said, after you heard hatter say that you looked at chishiya and he looked at you a little bit both of y'all knowing what y'all would say like y'all read each other's mind., after that y'all left, you grabbed his hand and started looking for kuina and once y'all did, chishiya sat down in a chair, and without thinking you sat on his lap, which surprised him, you started to talk to kuina while y'all laughed and all, the rest of the night was fun and you went to your room. chishiya slept in the same room with you for the night so y'all laid down cuddled and fell asleep.

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