Chapter 64

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Cal sits in biology, taking notes as Ms Finch talks "The corpus callosum is not only the largest white matter structure in the brain, but also the bridge connecting all parts of the brain to each other

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Cal sits in biology, taking notes as Ms Finch talks "The corpus callosum is not only the largest white matter structure in the brain, but also the bridge connecting all parts of the brain to each other. The ability for all parts of the brain to communicate and to work together help us make leaps in cognitive thinking. Any questions? Thoughts? Insight? Lydia?" she asks. "...I completely agree." Lydia says, looking out the window. "Is there something outside that's more fascinating than the structure of the human mind?" Ms Finch asks her making Cal follow Lydia's eye-line to a light blue jeep. "No... I don't think so... No." Lydia responds. "Okay, good. Now, many people credit the corpus callosum, uh, for giving us a sense of intuition, gut instinct, that even we ourselves aren't aware-" Ms Filch continues. "I'm sorry, I'll be right back." Lydia says jumping up and running out. "I'm just gonna check if she's okay..." Scott trails off, following after her. "...You guys know that classes aren't optional, right?" Ms Finch asks. Cal looks out the window and sees the Jeep about to be towed away "Ms Finch, my Jeep is about to be towed." he tells her. "Go." Ms Filch nods.

Cal jumps up and runs out the room after Lydia and Scott "Oh, this is your vehicle?" the tow truck driver asks Lydia and Scott. "Does it matter?" Lydia asks. "Sounds like a 'no'." he responds. "It's mine! Uh, my Jeep. Thank you. I lost the keys, I have spoken to my dad about it. You know, the Sheriff." Cal says walking over. "I'm sorry. Once it's on the hook..." the tow truck driver starts. "Please don't say, 'You're on the hook'." Lydia cuts in. "Well, I can't now..." he tells her. "Oh, I... Okay, look, there's gotta be something that we can do. Sign something? Call someone?" Scott asks. "Pay someone?" Cal asks. "Drop fee is a hundred and fifty. Cash." the tow truck driver responds. "A hundred and fifty? This thing isn't even worth that much." Scott tells him. "How much you got?" Cal asks Scott as he a Lydia pull out their wallets. "Uh, how much have you got?" he asks. "Just give me your money." Lydia tells him. Scott sighs "All I have is fifty dollars. And when I say 'all,' I mean 'all'..." he trails off. Lydia take the fifty, adding it to the hundred she and Cal put together and passing it to the tow truck driver. The tow truck driver takes the Jeep off the hook and goes off "Hey, you know Cal doesn't actually own this thing, right?" Scott asks. "But now we have a Jeep!" Cal and Lydia smile.

Later that same day Cal sits with Ethan and Jackson when they hear static coming from a radio somewhere, frowning they get up and follow the noise "There you are." Cora says as she, Malia, Louise and Isaac join them. "You heard it too?" Scott asks, walking over with Aiden and Lydia. "Where's it coming from?" Malia asks. "This way." Scott responds, leading them out to the Jeep "It's coming from inside." Lydia says. "Did somebody just lock the keys inside?" Louise asks. "Break it." Isaac shrugs. Cal goes over and touches Jeep door, going dizzy as he does "Cal?" Jackson asks, a worried frown on his face as he stops Cal from stumbling. "I... I'm good, just dizzy." he responds. Scott breaks into the Jeep and climbs in with Lydia, Cora and Malia "Why'd it stop?" Malia asks when the radio stops. "It doesn't matter-- there has to be a reason." Cora responds. "What?" Scott whispers in confusion. "You caught a scent?" Lydia asks. "Yeah, uh... Ours. Mine, yours... all of us. Pyrrhus and the triplets too." he responds, motioning to the members of the pack who are gathered. "Mine? I've never been in this Jeep before." Malia says skeptically. "Neither have I." Scott adds. "Yes, we have. We just don't remember it." Cal pipes up, his hand running along the paint work of the Jeep.

"I thought we were done with that?" Malia asks. "Uh, yeah, Cal, Parrish checked the VIN number. There's no record of an owner." Scott pipes up. "The Jeep didn't just drive itself here." Cora tells them. "Whose side are you on?" Malia asks Scott. "I'm on everyone's side." Scott responds, putting his hands up defensively. "He's not real. Trust me. I've lost a lot of people in my life. It's a long list, and I don't feel like adding to it." Malia tells everyone. "And you think the rest of us haven't? My mum, Zach, Alison, Jackson's parents, Isaac's mum, Cora's parents, her sister, her cousins, Ethan and Aiden's family. You're not the only one who's lost people. I might be adding another brother to my list!" Cal retorts, storming off. Jackson and Ethan go after him "Cal, wait up." Ethan tells him, making him slow so they can catch up with him. Cal tries wiping his eyes, trying to hide his tears "Sorry, I didn't mean to snap at Malia. I just... I can feel him gone. It's like part of me is missing and I... I don't know what to do." Cal tells them, breaking into sobs. Jackson and Ethan pull him into a hug so he's between the two of them "We're going to find a way to get him back." Jackson tells him. "We'll get Stiles back Cal, I know we will." Ethan adds.

Later Cal glares at tow truck driver as he tries to take the Jeep again "We already paid you. I gave you all of my money for that drop fee." Scott tells the man. "Yeah, and I dropped it, all right? Now, I'm picking it up again." the man responds. "How much? I'll write you a check." Jackson tells the man, Cal turning and fiddling with the truck. "It's not about how much-- they want it out of here, okay? It's not up to me. Don't make me move you, kid. Okay? I'm hookin' this thing up and I am towing it away." the driver says. Cal turns round and hands him the broken tow line "Your truck's broke." he smiles, Jackson, Ethan, Cora, Louise, Aiden and Lydia trying not to laugh as Scott and Isaac look at Cal in surprise.

That night Cal sits in the Jeep looking through it for the twentieth time that day when they hear a sudden roar "What the hell?" Scott says. "Did you hear that?" Isaac asks. "I think all of Beacon Hills heard that." Louise tells him. "Who is it?" Jackson asks. "I'm not sure, but I think I recognize it." Malia says. "Go!" Lydia tells them. The wolves of the group nod and run in the direction of the roar "Hey, any luck?" Scott asks after a while. "No. He hasn't roared again. I've got a scent, but..." Ethan trails off. "There's something wrong with it." Cal finishes. "It smells like whoever it is... is burning." Jackson nods. Suddenly there's another roar making them run over, finding someone completely burnt to a crisp "I hear a heartbeat." Isaac says. "Who is that?" Aiden asks. "I don't know, but I know the scent, even through the barbecue." Cora frowns. "How do you think he got here? There's no tracks, no fire..." Scott asks. Cora suddenly gasps "Oh, my God! Peter!" she exclaims. "Who's Peter?" Aiden asks. "Peter Hale, my dad." Malia realises. "My Uncle." Cora adds. "Peter... He bit me. How could I forget him?" Scott asks. "How did I forget him?" Malia asks. "He has something." Cal says, taking something from Peter. "What is it?" Jackson asks. Cal holds up a set of keys "Do you think...?" he trails off. "Worth a shot. "Go, Malia, Aiden and I will wait for the ambulance." Isaac tells the others. Nodding they head back to the Jeep, Lydia and Louise. 

Climbing in the driver's seat Cal tries to start the Jeep "Don't flood it." Scott tells him. "Do you even know what that means?" Jackson asks, raising his brow. "Not really..." their alpha responds sheepishly. "Hello?" a voice suddenly asks over the radio. "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait..." Lydia says. "Hello? Is anyone there? Can anyone hear me?" the voice asks. Cal picks the radio up "Stiles?" he asks. "Stiles? Are you there?" Scott asks. "Cal? Scott? Is that you?" Stiles asks. "Oh, my God, Stiles! We can hear you!" Cora tells him. "Oh, my God. You know me? You remember me?" Stiles asks. "Stiles, is thi-is this you? Is this actually you?" Cora asks, tears in her eyes. Cal feels a few tears already falling "Yeah. Listen to me... Do you remember the last thing I said to you?" Stiles asks Cora. "You said... You said, 'Remember I love you'." Cora responds, tears falling. "Are you okay?" Cal asks. "Where are you?" Cora adds. "We're comin' to get you." Scott adds. "No, no, no. You can't. You won't be able to find me." Stiles tells them. "Stiles, what-what are you talking about? Just tell us where you are, and we'll-we'll come and..." Scott starts. "Look, just remember this, Canaan. Okay? You have to find Canaan. Just find Canaan." Stiles says, the radio cutting off. "Stiles? Stiles!" Cal exclaims.

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