-Chapter 1-

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Y/n was starting the stream in her bedroom, when her door burst open and Y/b came running in, screaming.

Oh god who's dead now?

"You won't believe what just happened!" She practically screamed in my ear.

"No, I don't Y/b, im not a mind reader" I chuckled. She was the only person who could come in without knocking. 

"Not?" She asked, faking innocence. "I guess you'll never know what just happened". She was grinning like a witch because she knew I was curious. Too curious in her opinion. And just as she expected, I broke.

"Okay, okay please tell me" I begged.

"You don't know? I thought you were teasing me" She stared at me, and I knew she wasn't joking. "What happened?". 

"Twitch con is held in Orlando this year! That means we can go!" her smile was gigantic.

"Y/b, we are not going. Its Florida, thats already a good enough reason to not go. And besides, how are we getting tickets?"

She smirked knowingly at me.

"Oh you didn't..."

"I bought them yesterday bestie, so deal with it" she grinned at me.

"Besides, your favorite crush will be there" she half sang while still looking evil which was an art only she mastered. 

To clarify, I didn't have a crush on anyone, I was done with falling in love, because it hurts a lot when someone rejects you. I would know.

"Are you okay or are you just looking stupid on purpose?" she asked.

I chuckled and she smiled back. 

"I love you bestie"

"Love you too"

"Were still going to Florida"

I laughed, covering it up with a cough.

"Y/B" I shouted while trying to catch her.

My so called "bestfriend" was now running into the living room, while I tried to chase her with my pillow.

"PILLOW FIGHT" I screamed and she ducked, dodging the pillow just on time. She grabbed a pillow and started smacking me with it, while I kept dodging. 

I am sonic. And she's Tails. But who's Knuckles?

Slowly a plan started forming in my head.

"What are you smirking about?" Y/b asked.

"Don't you worry about it".

She hit me with her pillow and I fake fell to the ground.

"OMG OOOOHH THIS HURTS SOO MUCH" I yell while trying to make it seem believable.

"Oh my god, im so sorry, are you okay?" She asked with a worried look on her face.

I smile to myself whilst laying as still as possible. And just as she bends over me I whisper "Surprise"and jump on and attack her. She is still in shock when I pin her to the ground. 

"I won!" I exclaimed.

"You cheated! I thought you were hurt." she said while pouting to seem sad.

"What can I say except, it was never meant to be?" 

"You feel really cool about that reference don't you?" 

"I do" I state proudly.

"We are still going to Florida"


                                                                          -5 DAYS LATER-

"I still can't believe you actually convinced me" I say, while waiting for the luggage check at the airport.

"What can I say, except your welcome?" she half sang. a/n do you get the reference?

"And also, why the hell did you buy first class tickets? That was so not necessary. And you also bought tickets so you sit behind me, so now I have a random person next to me for 9 hours." I said, I was kind of angry at her for that. I don't like sitting next to strangers.

Relax, you are probably going to sleep for the entire flight anyways, so why bother getting mad at me? I'm the one who got you tickets"

"Which, once again, I didn't want!"


"C'mon now, no time to argue. We gotta go!" she says, pushing me in the direction of our gate.

I walk in the plane with a funny feeling in my stomach. I actually don't like flying, and now Y/b is not even sitting next to me! What if I throw up over the person next to me?

I walk to my seat, and Y/b sits behind me. 

"Arent you excited?" she asked.

"No, did you forget I'm scared of flying?"

I sit down, and start watching YouTube on my phone.

"Oh c'mon, have a little fun, the other people are starting to arrive, and I bought you a book about Twitch!"

I hummed as agreement while I continued to watch YouTube shorts. I decided that maybe Y/b was right and I could sleep the entire flight. I put on my sleepmask and slowly after that I drifted of to sleep.


I was walking in the plane, almost too late for the flight. I walked over to my seat and sat down, noticing a sleeping girl next to me. I was excited for the flight, but then my thoughts were interrupted by the intercom of the plane.

The safety instructions ended, and the plane started to take off. I felt my phone vibrate, and I took it out of my pocket. 

Big Q

Yooo Karl have you taken off yet?


Yoooo big Q 

just took off 

Big Q

Anything interesting happened or just being my beautiful fiancé??



not really anything interesting, almost missed my flight

Big Q

and what about the seat next to you???????


Occupied by a sleeping girl

Big Q



shes kinda cute, so sure

Big Q



I turned flight mode on, not waiting for Quackitys respond. I looked over at the girl, who was still sleeping, looking quite uncomfortable. I thought for a while and then put my travel pillow behind her neck.

I started to search for my watch, taking out a few clothing items.

I found it, put it on and started watching a movie.


The first chapter is done! 

What do you think?? 

Also, I need one specific location from where Y/n is from or are we just gonna do Y/c 

comment here to suggest some stuff, I always appreciate tips :D

Have a good day everyone! <3

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