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3rd Person P.O.V

Karl finally decided to get up and go downstairs, where he would definitely be laughed at and probably also scolded. He sighed as he ran his hand through his morning hair, and put on a hoodie over his pyjamas. As he was getting ready to meet the other people downstairs, Karl overthought everything that had happened. 

Karl wasn't the one to ignore or doubt his feelings, he would trust and follow them. He had been in enough relationships to identify how he felt, but he was young enough to want to confess them the moment he knew it. Y/N however, was more careful. But whatever it was that made her get looser every time she talked to Karl (once) or every time she had watched one of his streams (too much to be considered healthy) she felt free. She felt as if, with the voice speaking and laughing she could run around in the rain, she could go on drives in the middle of the night, and she wanted to do it with him. Wether she realized it or not, they were both falling, and they were both falling fast.

The loneliness of the last couple of years had gotten to Y/N, so much that Karl's hug lingered until the moment she arrived downstairs where she was greeted by her brother, his friends and Karl who was smiling widely. 

Quackity rolled his eyes at Karl's big grin, shaking his head. He was protective of Karl, and he didn't want him to get hurt. Karl had been watching Y/N for a long time, and had developed a small crush as one does.

Isn't it ironic that a couple of days ago they both just watched each other's streams, far away from each other, but now they're sitting next to one another eating cereal?

And Y/N may have poured milk first. And Karl may have grabbed her bowl. And she may have dumped her glass of water over his head. And Quackity might've joined in, throwing the bag of cereal over Karl's wet head. But it's all hypothetical of course, you'll never know for sure


Y/N laughed as they all sat in the car on their way to Twitch Con, the final day. They all couldn't wait for the day to end because they were planning on going to a pub later to have fun together


oh you are not ready for next chapter

i apologize in advance


405 words

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