-Chapter 2-

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I woke up feeling surprisingly well. Normally when I sleep on a flight, my neck hurts really bad, but this time it was more.. comfy.

I looked besides me only to see a sleeping brunet with a sleeping mask on who looked kind of familiar.

I looked behind me, only to see Y/b also sleeping. Is everyone sleeping?

 While I was turning my head back I felt something behind my neck. I reached and grabbed it, only to see it was a neck pillow with the initials "KJ" on them. 

It was probably the neck pillow of the boy next to me I thought to myself. I looked to my right, and saw that the boy was in a rather uncomfortable position, probably due to the fact I was currently holding his neck pillow in my hand. 

I lifted his head up a little bit to push the neck cushion behind his head. 

I began feeling bored again after a few minutes, so I grabbed my laptop and started watching a few YouTube videos Y/b had downloaded for me.

The first one was a laugh or you lose video from GeorgeNotFound. It was pretty funny, how he joked around with Dream, KarlJacobs and Quackity.

I knew Y/b had downloaded only videos with KarlJacobs in them, because I had a crush on him. Or maybe still had, but I was so not telling her. 

George reached the nether and just as I took a sip of water Quackity did something stupid and I almost spit all the water on my laptop. 

Jesus christ Quackity what is wrong with you!?

"Jesus christ Quackity what is wrong with you!?" Karl repeated after me.

"You are supposed to be on our team Karl!" Quackity shouted at Karl.

I chuckled, this was actually funny.


The seatbelt light flashed, so I clipped it in and turned off my laptop.

                                         5 AND A HALF MINUTES LATER

I woke up Y/b, to say we had to leave. The brunet next to me was still asleep, so I made sure to push him before I left, causing him to shoot up. 

"Holy shit I'm awake" he said half-scared half-confused taking off his sleep mask.

I was trying to get my mini-bag, while saying:"Idiot everyone is leaving".

I turned around, the boy still trying to process what just happened.

"Where are you, hurry up Y/n!" my bestie shouted at me.

"Im coming idiot, just wait" I shouted back. I quickly stuffed all my stuff in my bag, not paying attention.

                                                         KARL POV

Someone pushed me in my sleep. I shot up, scared of who had woken me. 

"Holy shit I'm awake" I said, half scared and half confused. What was happening?

"Idiot everyone is leaving" someone yelled at me. 

I looked to see the girl who was asleep next to me getting up and walking in the middle of the path. 

"Where are you, hurry up Y/n!" someone shouted.

The girl responded quickly, and left together with another girl. 

"Y/n" I whispered to myself.

I quickly packed, and also left the plane before it was too late. I couldn't find my hoody tho, but I was in a rush and I quickly forgot about it.

At the airport Quackity and Sapnap were waiting for me to pick me up. We were going to Twitch Con in a few days, which was hosted in Orlando this year.

I was also meeting some of my best friends, so I was really excited.

"KARL" I heard Nick shout my name. I looked over to see they were holding a board above their heads, which said "WELCOME BACK OUR FIANCE".

I walked over too them, and as soon as I reached them I hugged them both.

We pulled back and Quackity said "what do you think of our board Karl? Isn't it beautiful!"

"Also Karl, I heard you are cheating on us." Nick said to me looking dead serious. 

"Guys she is just someone on the plane, we didn't even talk!" 

"I bet you she is a streamer, and you will be seeing her again soon Karl" Quackity told me.

"Very funny Quackity, no way thats happening."

We laughed and went to the car, preparing to go.

I was cold, so I searched my bag for my hoody. I couldn't find it, so I asked them bout it. 

"Hey guys have you seen my hoody?"

                                                                Your POV

I was unpacking in the hotel room and found an unfamiliar hoody in my bag.

"Hey Y/b is this hoody yours?" I asked her.

"No, thats the hoody of the boy next to you. I would know, I saw him putting it next to him and forgetting it!"


She is scrolling on her phone

"It gets better!" she almost screamed while looking at her phone.

She showed me a picture of the boy next to me, but without his sleep mask.

"It was Karl Jacobs!"

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