91 4 36

TW: Fighting, blood/wounds, hospital (?)

-Y/N P.O.V-

I sighed. The first day was over, and I was completely drained. Karl and Dream had been showing me around and telling me where I should go. I was a solo streamer, meaning I didn't have any group panels I could attend too, or any special events. I had finished the meet & greet, so now I was finally ready to go back to the hotel. Y/B didn't have time to pick me up, so I was planning to walk back

I said my goodbyes to Karl, Dream and the rest of the people who I met this morning

"See you tomorrow!" I said, swinging my bag over my shoulder

"See you!" Karl responded, smiling brightly

I walked out of the building and plugged in my airpods. Immediately, 'Love Is Gone' by SLANDER started to play. I was vibing to the music, walking down the dark streets of Orlando when suddenly I heard screams through my music

I pulled out my airpods and started running to the sound I heard

I ran around the corner to be met with a gang kicking and hitting a young girl

"WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED HERE?" I screamed, immediately getting the attention of the gang

"Guess the fun's over, let's go boys" the leader said, making them all jump on their motorbikes and driving away in the night

"Oh my god are you okay?" I ran up to the girl who fell to the ground. She didn't look alright, with cuts all over her face, arms and legs

"I-I don't t-think so" she replied, coughing in between each word

I grabbed my phone and called an ambulance

I waited there with the girl, who fainted shortly after the ambulance arrived. They asked me to step in too, and just like that I was off to the hospital


I was guided to a little room in the hospital. We had just arrived, and the doctors took the girl to the ER

"So, I'll cut to the point. We found the girl's passport, which was luckily not taken by the 'gangsters' you talked about, and we found out some things. Her name is Bella, and she is the age of 16. Blood type is O+. She lost a lot of blood, and she needs a blood transplant immediately." the doctor told me quickly

"I can donate my blood, I-" the doctor cut me off before I could continue

"I'm sorry, but she needs a family member to donate. And preferably in 3 hours"  my head was spinning circles, and before I knew what I was saying I asked for a DNA-test. There was always a little chance she was my sister

After the doctor took my DNA and her DNA, it took 30 minutes to get the results


I was fiddling with the zipper of my jacket, anxiously waiting for the results to come back. And then finally, the doctor walked in

"You're family. Come with me for the blood transplant now" I was shocked. And happy. And confused. So many things at the same time

"I'm coming"


Not really a cliffhanger, is it?

Well, no short chapter today ig




I walked into the room and sat down next to the hospital bed of my sister

"Before we do this, do you have any diseases that cause you too faint by extreme blood loss?" the doctor asked

I did. I had anemia, which meant my body does not have enough healthy red blood cells. But this was my only chance to save my little sister, so I was going to take it

"No doctor"

A/N never do this. Always tell the doctor if you have illnesses, this is a stupid move by Y/N and only okay because it's in a book. Still not okay actually, PLOT PURPOSES PEOPLE

He nodded and grabbed the needle. After he connected everything, he told me to get ready and started the blood transfusion

Slowly I saw my sister get a little bit more color in her face, but I felt dizzier and dizzier by the second

And finally, after 10 minutes of being stuck to the machine, she opened her eyes 

"What the fuck" she muttered, trying to get up but failing due to the machines she was hooked up too

"Hey sis, good morning to you too" I said sarcastically

"Ah, you're my sister mom has told me about" she said with sparkling eyes. "This ain't not. good first impression is it?"

I laughed, but then I started to become dizzier and dizzier. My head was spinning and there were black spots in my eyes. "I- I don't feel so good" I said holding onto my chair

The doctor came in and handed me some water. "Drink this. I read your report, do you know how dangerous it is to transfer blood with amnesia? You could've killed yourself." he said, mad

"I'm sorry sir, gotta save the family am I right?" I said jokingly leaning back onto the wall

"Shut up" my sister laughed

My sister.

"Does she have to stay in the hospital?" I asked the doctor

"Yes, but I called her guardian, he will be picking you both up since you are family" after he said that, the doctor left the room

Me and Bella chitchatted, until she fell asleep again. I was just about to ask her if she was still awake, when a knock on the door was heard

"She's in here? Yes, thank you" the door opened and a tall male walked in




ahh *sips tea* i love myself some cliffhangers

love you so much <3



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