-Chapter 7-PART ONE-

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                                                           ~Y/N POV~

I was awoken by my best friend faking a ritual. Don't ask me why we are friends, I don't know either. 

"Almight Y/N, awake from thou slumber, where art thou at Y/N?" she continued, quoting Romeo & Juliet

"Oh my god what the fuck are yo-" I started, almost immediately interrupted by Y/B again.

"LE GASP" -did she really just say that?-  "NOW YOU HAVE ANGERED THE GODS WITH THOSE WORDS" she said, 'shocked'

"What are you talking about? I didn't- oh wait, yes I did" I laughed because I finally understood why she was screaming in my ear. "I'm sorry Y/B, but seriously tho, why did you wake me up like that?"

She scoffed, rolled her eyes, placed her hand in her hip, whilst the other one remained in the air (A/N like a teapot or something) "Don't play with me Y/N, you are obsessed with your phone missy"

Did she just call me missy?

"And? Are you trying to cheer me up? What happened?" I slowly started to put the puzzle pieces together. "Does it have to do with my face reveal?" I looked up only to see Y/B looking at me like I was a lost puppy who didn't know that it was abandoned yet

"Okay, pass me my phone, now. You can't cheer me up if i'm not sad, can you?" I asked her, knowing she would do it just because I deserved to know

"Okay, but you can't be depressed forever because Twitch Con is today" she reasoned with me, whilst I was only paying half attention to her now that I had my phone in my hand

I unlocked my phone, immediately seeing my phone was blown up by my friends, including that I was tagged in a post made by Dream and Karl

I looked over at the trending tab







I chocked on air, which I didn't know was possible until now. I tried to make a list in my head, but everything was overlapping. They found out I was the girl on the plane which I guessed Karl had told the audience about. I had seen him talk to Quackity and Sapnap when I was leaving the airport, so maybe they had told his stream. Anyways, I didn't know if it was a good thing that they knew. 

And the hate. People were hating on my face reveal.. did they think I was ugly? I was always cautious about my looks, mostly because people always told me I was ugly and I didn't know if it was a joke or not. 

I clicked on the hashtag 'boo', seeing all the tweets load. 



Sasha @SashaEatsFish 

I saw N/N face, and the whole chat immediately went 'boo' and it was honestly just weird how mean the chat was being :/


Nick @NickelodeonLMAO

I agree, I just dont understand why people were spamming boo

(A/N im sorry that the retweets and likes are not shown lol)

PANDA @PandaPlaysMC

Wow, honestly N/N deserves all the hate. boo


Mickey @NotAChild

YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!! boo HER

Jared @NoOneLikesMe

Shes so stupid looking LOL boo 


I just rolled my eyes. Ofcourse people would say stupid stuff, what did I expect? 

The #STOPTHEHATE hashtag was relatively nice, but mostly talking about Dreams and Karls tweet.


Dream ✔️@DreamWasTaken

Stop sending hate to @N/N, only because you think its 'cool' or 'funny'. You could hurt other peoples feelings without realising. Streamers are not punchbags, we are humans too. Dont call yourself a fan if you are sending hate. #STOPTHEHATE make it trending people


Sapnap ✔️@Sapnap

Exactly. @N/N is also just a human, so dont hate on them, or anyone else. #STOPTHEHATE

Karl :) ✔️ @KarlJacobs_

@N/N is beautiful and there is no reason to openly tweet hate comments. I dont understand why you would even do that, #STOPTHEHATE


He called her beautiful. He. Karl. The plane. Twitch Con. Twitch con...

"FUCK, TWITCH CON" I yelled, finally awakening

My bestie looked at me, checking if I was alright. I gave her a smile, pretending like the hate hadn't gotten to me. To be honest, it did hurt what they said, but also Karl had called her beautiful. She didn't want to have crushes, and she wasn't going to let this happen so easily. She shook it off, and got up

"Hey Y/N I have something special for you to wear to Twitch Con" Y/B said, obviously trying to get the sad look out of my eyes

I gave her a questioning look, before she threw Karls hoodie in my face

"WHAT THE HELL Y/B NO" I yelled at her, throwing it on my bed

"You should wear it tho" she winked at me, and left my hotel room, returning to her own 

Not when we are trending on twitter and ESPECIALLY not after he complimented me ON HIS TWITTER

I put on some decent clothes, not too extravagant but good enough that it seemed I tried my best. I was kind of scared because of the eventual hate I'd get at Twitch Con, but I decided that it couldn't be that bad




Chapter 7 has been split in half because it would be 1500+ words, and thats way too much 

I dont have a lot of filler ideas, so insert ideas here (if I take an idea I will mention you at the end :D)

love y'all!

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