70 3 26

TW: Mentions of death, hospital and blood



"She's in here? Yes, thank you" the door opened and a tall male walked in





"The fuck you doing here?" Dream looked confused between his sister and the girl who he'd met earlier this day


"OH MY GOD GEORGE" I wheezed as I reported the dead body that George just killed in front of me. Me, George, Sapnap and Karl where playing as the others were tired of the long Twitch Con day. It was around 9 PM when my phone rang

"Wait a second, my phone's ringing" I said, earning complaints of people who questioned why I even reported it anyways

"Hello?" I said, accepting the call from an unknown number and muting myself on discord

"Is this... Clay Milton?" a monotone voice ringed through the phone

"Yes I am. Who is this?" Dream asked curious, worried it might be someone who had doxxed him

"London hospital. Your sister got into an accident and lost a fatal amount of blood at... 8:07 PM tonight" -apparently a doctor- said to me

I looked in front of me with a shocked look, starting to block out all of the sounds around me. Bella, in the hospital, lost a fatal amount of bloo- fatal. SHIT

I jumped up. "I-Is she good?" I said tripping over my words whilst searching for my shoes

"We are getting her and the girl who brought her in tested to see if they are compatable, otherwise she will not make it. I'm sorry sir" I started breathing faster, and all my thoughts started scrambling through each other

I suddenly realised Karls stream that I was joining. I quickly hung up after checking the details and undefeaned

"Sorry, I have to go. Family issues" I said quickly, my voice lower than it was only five minutes ago. I exited before I could hear anything the rest said

I stepped in the car, and could only pray that my little sister was okay

"Bella, don't you dare die" I whispered under my breath, hoping the stranger was compatible. But even Dream knew these odds were incredibly low, and he didn't have any cheats now

A/N no hate on dream, just thought it was funny


"The fuck are you doing here?" I looked at N/N and my sister, who was lying awfully still in the hospital bed


I have always been scared of death. It was one of those things that were terrifying but you couldn't do anything about it

I was also scared of the feeling that it was my fault. After Bella woke up for a little bit, she fell back to sleep and was lying awfully still

Dream sat next to Bella on the bed and held her hand. He didn't look like Dream in that moment, he only looked like a worried brother who was scared to lose his little sister. A man, who didn't deserve being broken like this at such a young age. Doctors started to run in and out the room checking her blood. And right at that moment, one of the head doctors shook his head, silently giving up on the girl

Isn't it funny that right at that moment Bella woke up?

"W-what happened? Y/N?" the confused girl slowly looked around the brightly lighted room, immediately gulfed into a big hug of her big brother

"Bella" Dream whispered with visible tears running down his cheeks. It was heartwarming to watch, and I noticed I was tearing up too

The doctors came to the bed, and started to check her blood levels. The head-doctor came up to me, sitting a little away from the two siblings

"It's nice to meet you, Y/N...?" he waited for an answer looking down at me

"Y/N L/N" I smiled at him through my mask shaking his hand 

"So, you're the sibling of Bella Milton right?" he asked and continued after I nodded

"Well, he is her brother so your brother too! I have the feeling you never met, so go talk to him whilst we check your sister" he smiled at me, and signaled for me to walk up to Dream who leaned against the wall with a stressed look on his face

I walked up to him. "'Ello fellow sibling" I said immediately regretting what I just said

He just looked at me with a weird look in his eyes. "What the fuck is happening". I sighed. He did deserve an explanation

And so I did. After I finished, Dream had sat down and just stayed silent after I finished

"That's... That's a lot" he finally said after an awkward silence

"Yup. All true tho" I giggled nervously, not knowing how to react after you told your brother who you are

"So you saved Bella right?" he asked softly, looking up to me

"Yes" I said on a softer tone 

I could see him smiling behind his mask. "Welcome to the family, sis" he said getting up and giving me a hug

After freezing I hugged him back

Family. Not too bad



This chapter was brought to you by Bee (love you sis) and Lovejoy with their new song 'Call Me What You Like'!!

This chapter was only posted this early because of Luna and Snozzberries who INSISTED on a happy (chapter) ending :|


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