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KARL P.O.V [flashback: italics]

"Sapnap, I need help" I asked Sapnap, seeking advice for my crush

I had always admired N/N, and now that I saw how beautiful she looked in real life, I am blown away. And now I need advice from my very 'trustworthy' friends. *cough cough*

Sapnap looked at me, lifting one eyebrow. "Fucking finally. QUACKITY, GEORGE HERE NOW" Sapnap yelled, startling me. Almost immediately I saw Quackity and George running to us

"He asked?" Quackity said between deep breaths

"He did?" George said, slightly more exhausted than Quackity

"He did." Sapnap confirmed, and they all turned their heads to me

"What the honk?" I said confused. "I didn't ask anything yet"

"Is it about love advice for your lovely little N/N?" Quackity asked


"I KNEW IT" Sapnap shouted, making Wilbur and Phil look at us

"Ssh guys please I just need advice" I said, regretting my decision on asking them for help

"Okay, okay, okay. Our advice. Yes." George said, and then quickly pulled Sapnap and Quackity so that their backs faced me although I could still hear them

"We didn't think this through"

"We didn't"


"What do we do? No Quackity, cry isn't an option"

"Cr- nevermind. Fuck you George"

"I mean..."

"GET BACK ON TRACK? What do we say?"

"I have an idea..."

They started whispering, and I couldn't hear a thing. Then all of a sudden, they turned around

"We have decided. Yup we did" Sapnap started. "Talk with her, get to know her, make her happy you know? Don't be a dick. That easy" George and Quackity started aggressively nodding their heads. I groaned

"You guys are not helpingg" I said, stretching out the 'helping'

--end flashback--

And now, Y/N was coming home with Dream after they got in a car crash? Everyone at the air BnB was very confused and awaiting the two to explain. Well, the ones who didn't fall asleep that is

Finally, the door opened and in stepped an exhausted looking Wilbur, with Dream and Y/N following him inside

Dream immediately walked towards the couch, and laid down next to George resting his head on George's shoulder and wrapping his arms around him

Y/N fake-gasped. "DNF is real, ooh poggers" she said in a terrible british accent. Her voice was lovely, even though she had just been in a car cra- THEY HAD BEEN IN A CAR CRASH

"Is someone going to explain why Wilbur had to pick you guys up at 6 AM? Or are we going to ignore the fact that your guys car crashed?" I said worriedly

She sighed, sat down and started unravelling one of the most complex stories I have ever heard. A web driven by jealousy, anger, passion, sadness but still, mostly by secrets

Once she was done, everyone (well, everyone who was still awake which was not many~) sat in shock

"Holy shit" Quackity said, mouth agape

"Holy shit indeed" Wilbur agreed, eyes widened

"Yeah... so where am I sleeping tonight?" Y/N asked awkwardly, her foot bouncing up and down repeatedly

"Well, we were thinking you could sleep in Karl's room because that's the only room that has a free bed right now" Quackity said, winking at Sapnap

"That's fine" she said, as she rubbed her eyes tiredly

She must be exhausted

"I'll show you where it is" I said, as I stood up and grabbed her hand

I blushed, but masked it by pulling her towards the stairs. As I showed her where the room was, her head kept falling down. Damn, she must be really tired

I opened the door, and gave her my bed because there were no other beds and besides! I had a Queens bed, so there was enough room for the both of us anyways

"You okay with us sharing?" I asked, and she nodded yes, so I smiled 

I walked out of the room after bringing Y/N her suitcase with clothes (that she had brought to the hospital in case of an unsuspected longer stay) and waited for her to put on her pyjamas

As I was scrolling through twitter, Sapnap walked up to me

"Bro, where's she sleeping?" Sapnap asked curiously

I started blushing immediately. "U-uh she's sleeping i-in my b-bed, why?" I said stuttering

His eyes widened. "Good luck with that one lover boy" he smirked, and walked away

I rolled my eyes, just as I heard a soft 'I'm done' from my room

I walked in, changed into my pyjamas (IN THE BATHROOM) and went under the covers

"Goodnight Y/N" I whispered

"Night Karl" I heard her say back, sounding half asleep already



after a month



i have no excuses



732 words

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