-Chapter 7-PART TWO-

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Dedicated to @Quackshire because otherwise I wouldn't have written another chapter :D

And of course all the other members of the family ig

Also, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 190 READS!! That's amazing I never expected it to reach so high with only 9 chapters, love y'all <3


Me and Y/B were sitting in the back of a cab we called, discussing wether or not I should've worn Karl's hoodie. Y/B was convinced my life was a sweet fanfiction from wattpad, and that the 'true love' of me and Karl was real. I sighed

"Y/B, we have never even talked properly! This is absolute bullshit" I said as I rolled my eyes at her

She looked at me, obviously irritated. "Girl, have you checked your Twitter recently?" she said pissed, but immediately her eyes widened realising her mistake

"Yeah I have, remember I was trending with hate I was getting for my face? Oh yeah that Twitter? Yeah sure let me just go on there again that seems like a fucking great idea" I said, apparently a little hurt from what the people had said online

Y/B scooted over to me and hugged me. "Hey its gonna be okay sis, everything's going to be fine, they don't mean it"

"Hey, uhm, I don't mean to break the moment but we arrived" the confused cab driver interrupted us

I rolled my eyes together with the giggles of Y/B when we climbed out of the cab in the early morning

"Oopsie" Y/B said making me finally laugh out loud, which definitely woke up a few people but made me feel a lot better

The closer we came to the actual Twitch Con building, the busier it got. We saw posters of my face, together with other big creators. In my mind I went over them

Philza, gremlin child, bee boi -oh wait 

"Hey Y/B look, they spelled gremlin childs name wrong, same goes for bee bois one" I told her, she immediately started yelling "slash j tho, slash j" in panic whilst I just laughed


We arrived at the V.I.P entrance where I had to say goodbye to Y/B

"Goodluck bestie, it's gonna be A-OK!" she tried to convince me like something good was happening

"When your best friend lies to you, going dark dhmu" I said before walking inside, still in range of... a stuffed animal?

"Y/B WHAT IS TH-" I screamed before hearing her run away

I sighed and walked inside of the building, still holding onto the stuffed animal she threw at me

"You're my support animal now" I whispered to the stuffed animal, as if it could hear me

Suddenly I could hear two people arguing in the V.I.P room I was supposed to stay until Twitch Con actually started

"WHAT THE FUCK TOMMY" I heard a boy scream

"ITS NOT MY FAULT IM THE POGGEST" I heard a different voice scream

"Tommy, 'poggest' is not a word" a very british voice spoke

"tOmMy PoGgEsT iS nOt A wOrD, what are you going to do, go to your boyfriend?" the same voice spoke mockingly, again also having a british accent. "Tommy, shut up" a voice who I think was 'the boyfriend' spoke

I knocked on the door, scared for the chaos I was getting myself into

"Guys, stop it someone knocked" I heard a familiar voice that I recognized as Karl's voice

I stood there nervously, hearing footsteps come closer until Karl opened the door

As soon as he saw me, he froze. Karl was wearing a frog hoodie with jeans, and he looked so good in those. Wilbur walked to the door, questioning why Karl wasn't letting the person (me) in

"Hey Karl you gonna open the do- oh hello there!" Wilbur noticed me

"Uhm hello, is this the right room..?" I spoke quietly

"Yes of course it is N/N, come in!" Niki spoke, pushing the boys aside and pulling me in the room

"So, i'm going to introduce you to everyone okay? Just stick with me, they are a handful sometimes" Niki said, sending me a smile

As I walked inside the room, I noticed it wasn't that luxurious. There were two couches (both looked very comfy), a few plants in the corner, a tv screen so we could see what was happening on the podium and a second door connecting to the stage

A/N I have no idea how it is at Twitch Con, so see this as a new version of Twitch Con, MY version :)

The first couch was occupied by George, Dream, Sapnap and Karl as he had just recovered from the shock and returned to the couch. The second couch was 'claimed' as they said by Tommy, Tubbo, Wilbur and Ranboo where me and Niki sat down aswell. Tommy was busy having a pillow fight with Tubbo and George, they only paused because of the knock that only Karl had heard. The rest unplugged their earphones looking like they were VERY tired

"Tommy, how long have you and Tubbo been fighting?" I asked, curious why everyone seemed so tired

"WOMAN" Tommy screamed, completely ignoring me and already in his online persona

"POG" Tubbo followed, whilst jumping of of the couch almost landing on top of Ranboo who was wearing his mask with his glasses besides him

"Just ignore them, that's what we have been doing for the last hour" Dream spoke tiredly

"WHAT THE HELL BIG D" Tommy screamed at the top of his lungs

Just then a member knocked on the door and asked if we could quiet down

"Pffff-" me and Ranboo laughed at Tommy's angry face

Oh boy, this was gonna be a long, LONG day


im so tired, im heading to bed now :)

goodnight everyone <3

also, whoever did this, stop exposing us 😭

also, whoever did this, stop exposing us 😭

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-Elstaer :)

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