-Chapter 4-

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A/N because last chapter was so short, this one is a chapter with two POVS...!

Also, TW: Mention of panic attacks (Im going to try to not make it descriptive!!) and swearing



 karl  (@ honkkarl)

Arrived in Orlando POG

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Arrived in Orlando POG


george (@GeorgeNotFound)

LETS GO TWITCH CON                                                                                                   |   

karl  (@honkkarl)

Yes indeed :D                                                                                                                     |


can't wait I love twitchcon!!!!!!!!

sapnap (@sapnapalt)

Have you arrived safely my fiancé?                                                                         |   

quackity (@quackityalt)

Hes my fiancé!!!!                                                                                                              |

sapnap (@sapnapalt)

we can SHARE Karl                                                                                                          |

wilbur (@wimblursoot)

Sharing is caring children


A/N can't believe that I wrote the stream part forgetting she just figured out she was adopted IM SO STUPID

                                                     Y/B POV 

Oh my god.

I was banging on the door of my best friend, who was having a panic attack. 

I heard her mom saying something, apparently she was on the phone. I was also shouting, shouting for her to open the door. 

I remembered I had the spare key, so I ran to grab it and ran into her room.

She was on the floor passed out. 


I grabbed her phone, to see if her mom was still on the call.

"Hello? Are you still there ma'am?"

"Yes I am." She sounded stressed, scared even.

"What happened? Why did she have a panic attack?"

She sighed. "I probably shouldn't have told her over the phone, but Y/n is adopted. We had to tell her on her 18th birthday, but she was in England, visiting her friends" (NOT TOMMY, WILBUR, TUBBO OR SO)

"So I kind of told her just now, so she would know-"

"WHAT" I shouted. This woman really just said that through the phone!?

I saw Y/n was waking up.

"Im sorry have to go bye now" I muttered and hung up.

                                              3RD PERSON POV

Y/n was still a little in shock and promised to tell her everything. After she was done, Y/b sighed. 

"Go to bed, we can talk about this tomorrow".

The next day, Y/n decided to stream, even though she just heard something that turned her life upside-down. She wanted to take her mind off of things.

                                                Y/N POV 

I started up the stream in the hotel room, knowing that it was probably going to be a chatting stream, due to the lack of my gaming setup.

1K, 5K, 8K viewers.

Hi everyone! Welcome back and- oh thank you for the 10$ Diana!! I appreciate it! So today we are just gonna chat a little bit, like a Q&A and I will explain were I am! Mods, turn on automatic read donations. Ask me question with the hashtag #AskN/N!

A donation was read out loud. Are you going to twitch con??

Thanks for the 5$! You guys are being so nice today. And yes, thats what I wanted to talk about

I chuckled. SlayQueen. Nice name.

I picked out a question I found on twitter.

When will I face reveal? I'm actually planning to do it at Twitch Con, im pretty nervous!

user18: Aww you look beautiful anyway

user01: Dw im sure u look pretty <33

user5: your so nice!

user14: you are my new comfort streamer :D

user69: i bet ur ugly

this comment was deleted by a mod

I was on a pretty good flow of answering questions when my phone vibrated. A message from my mom. 


Listen, I know yesterday was a little shocking. 

And im really sorry. 

But if you want to, I can tell you about your real family.

I will tell you anyways

You have 2 brothers, 21 and 25, 2 sisters 16 and 19. 

If you want to contact your younger sister, her phone number is xxx-xxxx-xxxx. 

I froze.

I excused myself, telling them to go raid Karl Jacobs and ended the stream.



Gotta do what I gotta do :/ And also it was maybe a little fast lol 

love y'all!

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