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I woke up slowly, getting up to stretch but for some reason something was holding me back

I tried to turn around only to be met with Karl's sleeping face and his arms around me

"Shit" I muttered under my breath. What was I doing? I looked around to check the time, only to see it was 8 in the morning. I sighed, knowing we had to be in Twitch Con at 10, latest. I smiled, as I looked at Karl's face again

I sank back into Karl's arms, feeling safe with his arms around me, and put my head on his chest. I was too tired to be awake, and this was a nice place to sleep I thought as I slowly drifted away again


I woke up from giggling and 'ssh' sounds at the door. I slowly opened my eyes, only to see Y/N peacefully sleeping in my arms. I turned bright red, but didn't get up. I looked around to see Quackity and Sapnap looking at their phone, they probably just had made photos of us


I sighed, pulling Y/N closer and closing my eyes. It wasn't weird, even though we had only met a few days ago. I mean- it should've been, definitely, and I wasn't going to just write my feelings off as platonic (because they weren't) but it felt safe. Like home

That was a feeling I hadn't expected to feel in Orlando if I was being honest

As I was thinking with my eyes closed, I heard Quackity and Sapnap leave the room quietly, and I drifted off to sleep once again

QUACKITY P.O.V (5 minutes earlier)

"Sapnap and Quackity, I don't think we should wake them up" I heard Tubbo say, but it was too late as me and Sapnap were running up the stairs already

We shushed each other, before opening the door quietly, me standing behind Sapnap ready for him to give me the signal to book it out of there incase they were awake already

Sapnap suddenly turned to me, his eyes filled with excitement. "Come look" he said, almost yelling at this point. I looked at him weirdly, and turned my head around the corner only to see Karl and Y/N cuddling

I started giggling out of surprise, and Sapnap shushed me, quickly taking a photo with his phone as blackmail. We noticed Karl had started to move a little, but still holding Y/N close

"Ew, love" I whispered to Sapnap rolling my eyes and fake gagging. "So true, so true" Sapnap shook his head as we retreated to tell everyone that they were... 'busy' 


kids, don't do lovey-dovey shit with people who can see you

it makes us all feel so damn single ;-;

kinda filler, but yk i gotta get back on track with uploading o7

love you all <33

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