The Princess Paramedics™

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Chester jumped in the air. He began to transform as Thomas and our good friend X Æ A-Xii got louder in harmony. 

Chester diagnosed them as loud as possible. I

"SUPER..." He formed a bunch of shiny rainbow letters together "DIAGNOSIS!!!" Chester exclaimed. A bunch of letters flew out to form the word "loudnoisabunchinstarimntsosis" and flew at Thomas and X Æ A-Xii. The diagnosis or maybe the powers nobody knows what made them lay down. "MEDISEANY! GET ON ACTION!" A little bug came out of Chester's hand and it generated a pill. "PERMANTO PILL!" 

Permanto is the ஐ ℘ фத word for Permanent. This language is totally real and was not made up by the author. End of language lessons, back to the story. 

The pills fly into Their mouths and they have a wave of rainbow heal them. They begin to float. 

X Æ A-Xii And Thomas transform to help Chester save the world. The superhero trio did a naruto run out the building with a rainbow trail. 

They ran out and practically *say it with me* flew. 

Their princess paramedic dresses™ flew like a princess ball gown and the world looked at them with sparkling eyes. They took their princess paramedic wands™ and they spawned a spell. 

"Super....." The three say, before a sphere of clear rainbows form over the wands. "HEALING!!!!" The three exclaimed sending a massive rainbow wave over the entire earth.  

All the screams stopped and the warning on the phones changed to say "The Princess Paramedics™ are at it again!" They floated and then flew back to their house. X Æ A-Xii flew back to his dad because he had a free tesla to claim. The princess paramedics™ had saved the day again. When Chester landed on his head after destroying the room someone destroyed the room even more.

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