Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

It had been five days since Delilah's grandmother's incident. The doctors had already started G-Jay on chemo therapy. This was all very unsettling to Delilah, but she knew the chemo could have a chance of helping her grandmother. Delilah and her mother, Annie, had been to the hospital everyday since the incident took place. G-Jay was very weak, and she couldn't really speak to either of them. Delilah missed hearing G-Jay's voice, but that didn't stop her from talking to G-Jay, as if she were having a normal conversation with her.

Annie frowned as she got ready for the day. She knew she had to tell Delilah the bad news sooner or later. As if things could get worse. Annie finished getting dressed, and walked to her daughter's room.

"Delilah Sweetie?" Annie's soft voice and gentle knock on the door caused Delilah to jerk her head to the door. She let out a breath of relief, and smiled slightly, "Come in mom."

Annie's heart began to race. She knew this was a horrible time to bring it up, but she needed to tell Delilah. Annie walked over to Delilah's twin-size bed and sat down on it. She took a deep breath, and Delilah knew instantly that something was up.

"What's wrong mom?" Delilah started getting nervous as she sat at her desk. She put down her homework which she needed to finish before winter break was over. It had already been over a week since winter break started, and now there was just a few days left until Christmas rolled around. They hadn't even decorated for Christmas. Not even a tree. Annie couldn't afford it, and although Delilah understood, she still had a hard time hiding her dissappointment.

"Honey, I have some good," Annie choked out the word 'good', "And bad news." Delilah nodded for her mother to go on. "I'm sending you to live with your grandparents," Annie immediately looked away, so she didn't have to bear the look on Delilah's shocked face.

"You're what?" Delilah asked in a raspy voice, almost whispered.

"Your grandparents. Your father's parents. Sweetie, let me explain to you," Annie drew a long breath and tried to calm herself. Delilah's eyes were already filling up with tears, which made it even worse for Annie.

"Your grandparents have offered you a place to stay in their home. Delilah, you know I just don't have any money anymore, Sweetie, I can't take care of you," Annie let a tear fall. "I'm losing money as it is, we would be on the streets soon if you stay. And the place I plan to move into won't be big enough for the both of us and-"

Delilah cut her mother off, "You're moving?" She yelled. This house had been Delilah's home ever since she could remember. She never wanted to move. Delilah wasn't going to her grandparents! They don't even know her! Delilah's grandparents from her father's side had never taken interest in her. They always spat down at her, and neither of them were fond of Delilah. After the death of Delilah's father, which was not a happy story to be told, Delilah's grandparents practically hated her and her mother. This cut Delilah deeply, and she definitely was not moving in with those people.

"Yes. I will be moving into an apartment, not too far." Annie said calmly.

"And what about me? Will we see each other? You do know that my other "grandparents" live in a whole other state, right? They live in Georgia Mom. We live in NORTH CAROLINA," Delilah screamed the last two words. North Carolina was like six to seven hours away from Georgia! Well, by car anyway, which was mostly how Delilah traveled. No way on God's green earth was Delilah moving in with her so called grandparents. No way.

"I know Sweetie, I'll be moving a bit closer to Georgia. It'll only take a few hours to go to and from my apartment and to your grandparent's house. They can take care of you though, Delilah, that's something I can't do right now! I would give anything to be able to take care of you, but it's just not happening right now. You'll be moving in with them before winter break is up, that way you don't have to get behind in school and stuff."

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