Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Delilah's POV

Christmas flew by. The next thing I know, it was time to go to bed. We didn't do much for Christmas, just spent the day at home. I got a few presents, one of the biggest presents was a key to the house. I didn't get really anything else, just a bit of candy and stuff, but that was fine by me. I didn't really want anything, so I was happy. Besides, my grandmother had been nice enough to buy me a whole new wardrobe of clothing, so I certainly was not going to complain. The next day was school, and I was totally nervous. I hadn't been nervous at all the whole time I had been here, but now that it was just a few hours away, my heart beat was rising, and my confidence was lowering. I just want to get the first day over with, and hopefully not make too many enemies.


I woke up and quickly got ready. Today I was actually running a bit behind on time, only because it was first day nervousness though. I got dressed in a pretty casual outfit. I wore a white knit sweater that hung slightly off of my shoulder, a lacy blue strap peaking out (I know, but I had to wear a bra), some light-wash, slightly distressed, skinny jeans, brown ankle boots, and no jewelry. I just wanted something simple today. My hair was natural as usual, and I was light on the makeup, as usual. I pretty much never did anything to my hair, or anything with makeup. It was just a hassle to me. I liked it occasionally, but not everyday like some girls. But that's just me, and I am totally not against getting dressed up and wearing makeup and stuff.  I just didn't feel like it today.

I grabbed my big black tote bag - which I used instead of a backpack - and ran down the steps. I looked at the clock on my phone. 6:15. School started at 7:00. I had forgotten about breakfast. I set my bag onto the bottom step of the stairs, and hurried into the dining room. Owen looked relieved when he saw me walk through the doors.

"I thought you might have slept in on me," said Owen as I walked around the table.

"No, sorry, I just woke up late." I apologized. It was my fault. I had been so caught up in Christmas and everything, I forgot to set my alarm.

"It's okay, you're here now. Just eat quick, we have to be there by 7:00."

I nodded in return. My grandparents were apparently not here. "Where's Grandpa and Grandma?" I asked Owen.

"Grandpa had a business meeting I think, and Grandma, well, I don't know. But I'm sure we'll see them after school."

"Oh. Okay." The rest of the meal was silently and quickly. I had to eat in like 5 minutes, so I was pretty stuffed. I grabbed a granola bar before I left, just in case.

We arrived at school with about 10 minutes to spare - just enough time for me to go and get my schedule and locker. I found my locker pretty quick, it was kind of in the middle of the school. I had math first period, which was a horrible way to start out my day. Math is my biggest enemy and I hate it. At least I'll get it over first though. I didn't recognize anyone in my class at first, until Caitlin, the girl I met at the party, showed up. She seemed to be the last one in, but when she spotted me, her face lit up and she rushed to the desk beside mine before anyone else could take it.

"Oh my gosh! We have math together!" Caitlin squealed and bent over to hug me.

"Yes! I actually know one person!" To my relief. Caitlin was really fun to be around, and I enjoyed her presence. So having her in my least favorite class totally turned my mood upside down. Maybe this wouldn't be as bad as I thought after all.

Fourth period was lunch. Apparently, in second period, I had class with Kristin. Then in third period, I have class with both Kristin and Caitlin - same as fifth period. third period was PE, which was my favorite. Fifth was English, which was my second favorite. I didn't have any classes with Sami - the red haired girl I met at the party - because she was a year younger than each of us, therefore, she wasn't in the same grade and classes. I sat down at an empty table at lunch, Kristin and Caitlin hadn't showed up yet. They probably went to find Sami, since we all have lunch the same time. I stared at my food. I started thinking about the black wolf I met in the woods. I wanted to find him again, and see him. Today. I missed him, which I kind of thought was odd, considering he was a wolf. A wolf that could eat me alive at any minute.

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