Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Madden's POV

Delilah was pushing me. If I didn't have the strength of an Alpha, I don't think I could hold back this long. Delilah is driving me and my wolf crazy. I want her so bad. I just want to claim her and mark her mine. I want to finish the mating process, but I don't think Delilah is ready for this. Delilah isn't ready to become the Luna. Heck, she doesn't even know about being a Luna! I'm going to have a lot to explain later, but right now, I have to settle down.

"L-Lilah," I tried to speak but she just cut me off by kissing me again. She was making this so hard. It's not like I wanted to stop, but I need to stop.

Delilah groaned as an answer, but still didn't stop. She doesn't even realize how hard she's making this for me. I want to keep going so bad.

"W-we should stop," I said between kisses. I could feel Delilah's head nodding in agreement.

"Yeah, we should," She replied between kisses. Neither of us stopped.

I pushed Delilah against the front door and pinned her to it. If she wants this, if she wants me, then I'll give it to her. But I'm not willing to do it on her front porch.

"Madden," Delilah stared at me with pleading eyes. That's all that it took to push me overboard. She was practically begging me to take her, and I wanted her. So what was the problem? The person who opened the door was the problem.

The nob to the front door turned, and before I could move, the door burst open and Delilah and I fell flat to the ground. I almost landed on Delilah, but I managed to keep my body off of her and slide my hand underneath her head in the process. I'm glad I managed to get my hand behind her head, because it was a hard fall, and it would have smashed her head pretty hard.

"Oh my goodness! Are you two all right?" The old lady exclaimed. I sighed and rolled off of Delilah. We both stood up and stared ashamedly at the older woman. Delilah's cheeks were pure red.

"Sorry Grandmother, we weren't umm, paying attention. We are fine," Delilah smiled in assurance, but couldn't quite look her grandmother in the eye. I nodded to her grandmother. She just gave me a scolding look in response and I frowned.

"I've been waiting for you, you didn't come home for dinner and I was worried! Is everything okay?" Her grandmother backed up and quickly shut the door.

Delilah's face softened. "I'm fine Grandmother. Sorry, I should have called or something," Delilah frowned as she realized her mistake. It was my fault though. I didn't even think to call her home or anything, and I had completely forgotten about dinner. Which is quite unusual for me.

"All right Dear. At least nothing bad happened. You must be hungry though, did you have diner? Oh, I should expect not. Hurry into the dining room, I'll get you some food." The old lady muttered some things to herself as she shooed us into the big dining room. Delilah and I awkwardly sat across from each other. Neither of us really knew what to say or do. Once Delilah's grandmother was gone though, a grin spread across Delilah's face.

"What's so funny?" I scrunched my eyebrows at her in confusion.

Delilah's grin only grew wider, and my frown grew deeper. "Two of the most embarrassing things that have ever happened to me just happened in the same day, only minutes apart. And I can't help but want to laugh!" She replied with a giggle. I could tell she wanted to laugh more, and her laughter was becoming contagious.

I smiled wide and she laughed more. "I didn't mean for those things to happen to you," I apologized, even though I was grinning at her. I knew it was my fault, and I needed to apologize.

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