The Nightmare

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I woke up, stretched, and discovered I'm in my own bed, in my own room, in my own house.

'What? I was with Tobias. At his house. We made love. He remembered. Why am I home? How did I get here?' a million thoughts swirling in my head. I picked up my phone to check the time, but it was the day that caught my attention.

'Friday?!? That can't be! It's Saturday, it has to be!' I begin to panic.

'Did I really dream all of that? No, no, no, that's not true.' I look at my phone again and pull up my contacts to call Tobias. I find his number and press the call button. It rings... and rings... and rings.

"Hello?" I hear.

"Hey." I say with a smile in my voice.

"Oh, hey Makenna. I was just about to message you. I was going to tell you that I'll be there at eight to pick you up tonight." he states.

"What?" I ask. Noticing he said 'Makenna'. He begins to repeat himself,

"I said I was..." I cut him off.

"No, I heard you. Sorry. Are you sure it's Friday?" panic sinking in again.

"Yeah, why?" he asks, sounding a little concerned.

"I could have sworn it was Saturday." I say in a small voice.

"No, if it was Saturday, you would have missed our date. And I'm very much looking forward to it." he beams.

"Are you feeling okay?" he adds.

"Yeah, no, I'm fine. Guess my brain isn't quite awake yet. I must have just read the day wrong in my sleepy state." I try to sound like I'm being silly.

"So, you said eight tonight, right?" trying to change the subject.

"Yes, that's correct." he pauses,

"We can reschedule if we need to."

"No, that's not necessary. I'm good. Really. I think I just need some coffee." I reply.

"Yeah, maybe." he laughs,

"So, I'll see you tonight, yeah?"

"Yes. I will see you tonight. Have a good day at work." I respond.

"Wonderful. Thanks. See you then." and he hangs up.

"What the hell is happening?" I say to myself,

"Did I really dream all that?" my brain train continuing internally,

'I suppose it's possible. But it all felt so real. Am I just anticipating tonight too much? Yeah, that's got to be it. I was so consumed by thinking about it, my subconscious dreamed up the scenario of it going perfectly. That has to be it, right? Maybe?' I get out of bed and go about the rest of my day in a fog, still trying to figure this out. I shake the thoughts from my head the best I can. I'm going out with Axl again. I should be excited, not distracted. I ponder on my thoughts for another moment before realizing it's already 6pm. 

"Shit! I have to get ready." I get some things together and go hop in the shower. I finish up and start on my hair. I get it dried and brushed out. I get my curling iron and am filled with the overwhelming sensation of déjà vu. I shake it off, dismissing it because of my dream, and lightly curl my hair. I finally get it completed and start on my makeup, aiming for a more natural look. And for the icing on the cake, the dress; jet black and floor length with blood red satin accents. Lovely. It really is perfect. I stand there staring at myself in the mirror when my door bell rings. 

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