Chapter Four

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Sabrina was busy dreaming about prom season. There she was, her beautiful dress flowing behind her, as she danced under the moonlight. She was dancing the waltz with a boy. He was tall, and she had her hands comfortably placed on his big, broad shoulders. She tried to make out the face of the boy she danced so gracefully with. The more she stared, the more his face was revealed. Funny thing, it looked like someone she knew. She kept staring. Woah! The face belonged to Bradley! Why wouBEEP BEEP BEEP!!!

Sabrina violently jerked awake. She got up too quickly, so her head spun, causing her pain. She moaned as her door flew open, Shannon rushing to her bed. Her blurry vision caused her to shut her eyes closed. They flew open when Shannon shook the living daylights out of her.


Sabrina groaned and rubbed her eyes.

Sabrina: Mmm.... whaddayou want?

She mumbled.

Shannon: GOD, SABRINA!!! MRS.PERRY is waiting downstairs for your lazy ass!!!

Sabrina arched up at the sound of the name Perry. She was shocked by Shannon's language - she only cursed around her college friends, nobody else - but she had something else on her mind. 'Oh shit,' she thought. 'The trip!'. She flew off her bed when she remembered Bradley's words: we pick you up tomorrow at five. She threw her titanic luggage bag at Shannon. Shannon wanted to protest, but she knew Sabrina had to hurry, so she brought the luggage bag down for her. Sabrina looked like she had super speed. She aggresively ran the brush through her hair, throwing it into her purse just after a few strokes. She threw her makeup essentials into her purse well; clear lip gloss, pink tinted lip gloss, nude pink lipstick, moisturizer, exfoliater, mascara, plum lipstick, and some bronzer. She also threw her treasured black cap, her hair accessories, and her technology in there. She slipped on her favorite Keds and rushed downstairs, where her parents, her sisters, and most suprising, Sincere and Rowan, were waiting for her.

Sara: Heh, WOAH, you look like a hot mess.

Mr. Carpenter: Hey.

Sara: Sorry, butchu know it's true.

Sabrina: Yeah,well, I overslept and certain people didn't even bother to wake me up! Now, are you gonna bully me or are you gonna say goodbye and be sad that I'm leaving for a week like normal people?

She said, eyeing Sara. They all hugged and kissed Sabrina, telling her to be safe and have fun. She bid her goodbye, taking in the horrible but memorable moment. She tucked her purse under her arm and took a seat next to Bradley and his ginger cousin, Ethan, who was very absorbed in his psp. She turned her head to look at Bradley. She got startled when his eyes were already locked on hers, signaling that he was staring at her the moment she got in the luxury minivan.

Bradley: Yo, Sabrina, did you get up from bed 30 seconds ago?

He said, chuckling to himself. He took a photo of her and gave her his phone. As her gaze drifted to the phone screen, a smile spread on Bradley's face.

Sabrina: Woah. I look like I just woke up from a two-thousand year nap,

She said, amused by her own photo.

Bradley: Oh yeah! And the Dora pajama set you're wearing completes the whole look.

Sabrina: I'm wearing what?....

She looked down at herself.

Sabrina: Darn it!!! I could've sworn I put on regular clothes. Ah. Oh well. At least I can get some of the sleep I missed this morning. See you in the afternoon, prom boy.

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