Chapter Thirty

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Bradley's P.O.V.

Bradley: Shit.

Marie: Oh gosh, Bradley, please don't tell me.... Does he know about you and Sisi?

Bradley: Yup..... But he found out through the magazine.

Marie: You're in some trouble, Bradman... Do you want me by your side? Now that Zen doesn't hide himself anymore..... He looks pretty terrifying.

Bradley: Nah. I could do this. I'm good. Besides, a bunch of piercings and full body tattoos don't scare me.....

She scoffed.

Marie: Right. I'm gonna head back, then. Are yoou sure you'll be good?

Bradley: Yeah. Zen probably hates me, but I'm sure he's not gonna let someone kill me,

I laughed.

Marie: Okay. Bye!

With that, she skipped away. Immediately I got the jitters. What is Zen doing around here? Does everyone know where everyone lives, or what? Jeez. Maybe he was taking a jog too. Yeah, definitely looks like it. He's devouring a huge jug of water in his hand, and the side of his head has sweat dripping down. Just as I suspected. He's totally on a run. But he only does that when he feels really upset. I remember, because he always told me that he's sworn to the gym, but swears off running and hiking. He's obviously not trying to hide his bad-boy side anymore, because he has on all of his crazy piercings, and none of his tattoos are covered up, except for the ones under his shirt and his shorts. Okay, time to do this.

I could barely raise my arms in this shirt, but I managed to speedwalk towards him. His back was turned, but like he could sense me there, he pulled his water bottle from his lips and turned around. I smiled and waved a hand.

Bradley: Hi.

His eyes hardened immediately.

Zen: You.

Uh-oh. That can't be good.

He scared me by throwing his water bottle to the side, and trying to grab on my- well, Cameron's- shirt. When he couldn't even pull the fabric away from my skin, he grunted and raised his fist.

Bradley: Okay! Woah! Wait a minute, guy! I might have an idea what you want to beat me up for, but can we at least not do it outside, where the paparazzi thrives? Doesn't matter if this neighborhood is a ghost town. Let's go to.... Whoever's place is closer to around here and sort things out.

He looked reluctant, but he lowered his fist and gave me a really mean glance.

Zen: Fine. Let's go.

I didn't follow him.

Bradley: Uh, how do I know that you're not going to take me to an alley and kill me?

I could almost picture him rolling his eyes, even if he's not facing me.

Zen: My car is a block away.

Bradley: Okay.....

We jogged there, and the ride to his house was silent. I tried to get a word out my mouth at one point, but he just shushed me. He was driving for an hour and forty minutes. If I knew we were going so far, I would've never gone with him. When we got to his house, I marveled at it's location. I've never been to the house under his name. I've only been to his dad's house, where he stays for the summer. Guess they had a falling out when his dad found out about how he really looks like. I wonder though, does he still give Zen money? He probably does..... But I guess Zen's dad won't have a problem giving him money, since he has so much of it. Literally. Mr. Kristallnac has stacks! Stacks!

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