Chapter 1

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The weather sucked.
Alex pulled up the hood of his jacket a little further as he wandered the streets of Musutafu.

Why did it have to rain today? He thought angrily.

He turned the corner and stopped in his tracks.

Oh, for fucks sake!

Down the street, there was a big group of people. He could see flashes of light and heard a couple of loud bangs.

Why here? Why now?

Not caring to see what hero was fighting what villain, Alex walked into the nearest alley to get around the fight. He could hear sirens wailing in the distance and the shouting of spectators. Then a shout cut through the air.
"Die, bastard!!", followed by a loud explosion.

Alex knew immediately who it was.

The number two hero, Dynamight.

Alex scoffed.

"Fucking show-off.", he muttered and kept walking.

He took a left into another alley. Just when he was about to step back into the streets, he heard another explosion behind him. To his surprise, he turned around and saw Dynamight standing there.

"Hey, kid!" he said, "Did you see a villain running past? The bastard managed to slip away from me."

Alex rolled his eyes. "Do I look like I did?"

Bakugou Katsuki narrowed his eyes at the kid before him and scowled.

What the hell?

The kid had raven black hair and silver eyes. And in those eyes, there was something Bakugou was all too familiar with.


On the boy's wrists were a couple of black scales, as well as on his knuckles.

"Watch your attitude, kid! Just answer my damn question," he shouted.

The kid let out a deep sigh. "No, I didn't see anyone. Now, please, fuck off and leave me alone. I've had a shitty day, and frankly, I don't have time for this."

"Do you have any idea of who I am!?" Dynamight shouted.

"Of course I do. Your Bakugou Katsuki, aka Dynamight. You got attacked by that sludge villain the year before you entered UA."

I'm never going to live that down. Bakugou thought before continuing to  yell. "Now listen here, you little shit! Be glad I'm on duty, or else I would have whipped your ass."

With that he jumped back into the air to look for the villain.

Alex looked on as Dynamight left. Thinking about what he was told, Alex snickered.

"Whipped my ass... Yeah, right."

He was about to get going again when he heard some noise behind him.

"Hey, you. You're coming with me," a voice said as the boy was grabbed from behind and something hot pressed against his throat.

Alex winced.

"You're my way out of here. One wrong move and you're dead. And don't even think about struggling. My quirk is Plasma Blade. I can cut through anything."

As soon as Alex heard that, he relaxed. "You must be the villain Dynamight was fighting. Well... you picked the wrong person to take hostage," he said as he chuckled.

"Eh?" The villain asked, confused.

Without giving the villain time to think, Alex activated his quirk, sucking in all the energy around him, converting it to kinetic energy.

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