Chapter 6

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The rest of the day went by the same. Just more tests. At some point, the boy that had been knocked out by Lara rejoined the group. But he didn't look too happy.

When they were finally done, Alex groaned. "Was that all of them? Because I'm getting really sick of all these tests. It feels like a fucking school day already."

Some of the people around him snickered.

"You don't care about what others think of you, do you? From what I've seen from you so far, you don't hold back the truth and say whatever is on your mind," a teal-haired boy stated.

"What about it?" Alex grumbled, glaring at the boy."

The boy raised his hands defensively. "Nothing. It's just something I noticed."

"Everyone! Pay attention!"

Angelbeat announced. Everyone's attention snapped to the front, and Alex, who was just about to say something, closed his mouth.

"These were the last tests. If you all follow me, I'll show you the dorms."

At the dorms, a surprise waited for everyone. In front of the door stood the number one hero himself.

"Dad? What are you doing here?" Nori asked, looking puzzled.

Several people looked at her in surprise.

"You're Dekiru's daughter?" a girl with grey hair asked. "That's so cool!"

Nori turned beet-red, embarrassed by all the attention.

Why couldn't I keep my mouth shut? She thought.

Midoriya saw his daughter's distress and decided to draw the attention back to himself.

"Welcome future heroes!" He exclaimed with a bright smile. "I am here! to show you around the dorms. But first..."

He looked around the group and saw Alex.

"You! With the black hair and the silver eyes. Tell me, why do you want to be a Hero?"

Alex looked up in surprise. When he had processed the question, his expression hardened, and he gave Dekiru a death glare. Everyone looked at him, curious about what his answer would be.

"To help as many people as I can," he  answered, forcing a smile. Most people looked satisfied with this answer, though some of them had some doubts about his sincerity. One of those being Izuku. 

He had to force himself to smile. And that glare of him was enough to trigger Danger-sense. Kacchan was right. It was wise to have me keep an eye on him.

His smile widened further as he pointed at the boy with pink skin.

"You must be the son of Kirishima Eijiro. Why do you want to become a hero?"

The boy smiled, revealing his pointed teeth. "To uphold my father's legacy of manliness, Sir!"

Izuku laughed. "Like father like son, I see. Give it your all."

The boy nodded and raised his fist. "Yessir!"

"Now, let's head inside, and let me show you around. Kyoka, you can go if you want, I have it from here."

Angelbeat nodded and started to walk away. When she passed Alex, she whispered, "Behave yourself."

Alex smirked. "Tell Asuna I said hey."

She smiled as well and left the group with Izuku.

Just as Alex was about to step inside, Izuku took him apart.

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