Chapter 11

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Lara leaned over to Alex as Kenji and Rhone took their places. "Who do you think is going to win this?" She asked.

Alex shrugged. "Don't know, don't care."

Lara looked at him. His face was stoic.

She sighed. "Look, I've been meaning to ask, why are you so ang-"

"None of ya business," Alex said, cutting her off, not bothering to look at her. "Now shut up and leave me alone."

A little taken aback by his attitude, Lara gave up and turned her attention back to the fight.

Kenji had pulled out a piece of chalk and was trying to write a kanji on the floor, but he kept getting interrupted by Rhone's clones and getting closer to the edge of the ring.

"Keep it up, Rhone! You've got this." A boy next to her yelled. She looked at him. "Suijou Xiao, right?" She asked.

The sea-green-haired boy nodded. "You good friends with her?" Lara asked and nodded towards the fighting ring, where Kenji had finally managed to draw the kanji for "storm".

A miniature hurricane around him, and he quickly started to draw more kanji.

"Kick his ass," Xiao yelled to his friend, and to Lara, he nodded. "I've known Beizou my entire life."

Lara looked at Beizou and then at Sujiou. "And you're still... how do you say it... 'just friends'?" She asked, a sly smile on her face.

Xiao's face turned red. "I don't think of Rhone in that way."

Lara held her hands up. "Okay, if you say so."

A yelp that sounded like that of a girl pulled their attention back to the fight, expecting Kenji to have landed a hit on Rhone.

Lara almost burst out laughing at what she saw. In the middle of the battle ring, Three Beizou's held down Kenji, who had his hands and feet bound together behind his back with the capture tape.

The yelp they heard, had been Kenji being judo-flipped by Rhone after she and her clones pushed through his hurricane.

"Beizou wins!" Natsu announced. "Next up are Kirishima and Havock."

Lara smiled as she walked up and greeted her opponent with a bow.

"Let's have good fight." She said in half-broken Japanese. Heizo just nodded and also gave a small bow.

"And START!"

Lara wasted no time and threw a plasma shield in Heizou's direction, and chipped off a piece of hardened acid, which he had started to cover himself with.

Heizou retaliated with a glob of acid, forcing her to dodge.

This went back and forth for a little while, the two testing what the other could do.

Eventually, Lara decided that she had enough of it and formed a big force field under her feet, floating up, out of Heizo's reach and started pummeling him from above.

"Oh, come on. That's not fair!" He exclaimed, trying his best to deflect or dodge the incoming shields.

Everest laughed. "A fight is never fair, young Kirishima. You have to get creative."

"You can do this!" Shouted Nori from the sidelines.

Heizo groaned. "I'm not so sure about that."

The fight lasted a few minutes longer, with Heizo trying and failing to hit Lara. Eventually, he just raised his hands. He was covered in small cuts and bruises.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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