Chapter 10

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After Alex had left, Mr Natsu cleared his throat. "Where was I? Oh, right."

He looked around the class. "As I just said, I served for twenty- one years. I'm a hand-to-hand combat specialist and will be training you in the coming year. I was planning for you all to come up and introduce yourself and your quirks, but since we're missing someone, that'll have to wait."

A girl with fox ears raised her hand. "How do you know Alex, sir?"

Everest smiled. "I'm afraid that's not my story to tell, but you can always ask him yourself, miss..."


"Right. Miss Miyazaki, tell me. Why do you want to become a hero?"

A shadow fell over Hitomi's face.

"I'd rather not say. It's a bit embracing."

"Very well. Then, what about you?" Everest pointed at the boy with red hair and red eyes.

"I want to become a hero to follow in my dad's footsteps." the boy said, a tone of arrogance in his voice. "With my quirk, I'm practically unbeatable."

Everest barked out a laugh. "Ha! Is that so? And what might your quirk be?"

"My quirk is Kanji Control. I can write something, and it will become a reality."

As an example, he took out his pen and drew the kanji for fire on some paper. The symbol glowed, and a torrent of fire leapt up from it. As the piece of paper burned and the fire died, the boy looked up at Everest with a cocky grin.

The former soldier just scoffed. "Who is your father, boy?"

"the number twenty-three hero: Comicman. Fukidashi Manga, sir."

Everest looked down at the list containing all the students names. "That must make you Kenji, right?"

"Yes, sir." Kenji looked a little taken aback by the fact that the teacher didn't care about his little show of power.

In the following moments, Eversest went over what his classes would entail, and Alex walked back in sometime later.

"Good to have you back. Now, for introductions, Seat one. Please state your name and quirk."

The silver-haired girl stood up. "I'm Kasumy Miryoku, and my quirk is Bodyshift. I can shape my body however I want and, to some extent, change its properties ."

"Good, next."

"Kirishima Heizo, Sir! My quirk is Solidifying acid. I secrete an acid that hardens over time. I control over how fast it hardens or how corrosive it is."

Everest smiled. "The son of Ejiro, huh? Tell him I said hello next time you speak to him."

"Sure thing, Sir."

Next up was Lara, followed by Nori, Alex, and Hitomi.

After that was the teal-haired boy who had commented on Alex's burned smell. "I'm Hagakure Toya. My quirk is Light manipulation. I can use this to create illusions, turn things or myself invisible, and even burn through certain objects. It does, however, also affect my personality. The light level influences my mood. Low light means a worse attitude than when I'm in the sun or something like that."

After which were Xiao, Rhone, and Kenji.

Everest looked at the notes he had taken. "It seems you bunch are quite the powerhouses. So who of you know how to fight? Properly, that is."

Alex, Nori, Heizo, Toya, and Kenji raised their hands.

Everest nodded approvingly. "That was to be expected, considering who your parents are. Everybody, please follow me. We'll be off to the training ground Alpha."

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