Chapter 9

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It was only seven in the morning when Alex stood in front of the 1Ω dormitories with all his luggage ready.

Yesterday one of the teachers dropped by the house to ask some more questions (which he had mostly avoided) and tell more about the campus rules.

It all boiled down to three points—no sneaking around past curfew, No littering, and no fighting.

Knowing himself, all three rules would be ignored within twenty-four hours.

There were already a couple of boxes standing next to the front door. Looking at the labels, Alex figured they belonged to Lara since all of them were labelled in English.

As he stepped inside, a girl with long silver hair bumped into him, making him drop the three boxes he was carrying.

"Geez, watch the fuck where you're going!" he exclaimed.

"I'm so sorry. Let me help you with that." The girl said softly as she moved to pick up one of the boxes.

"Whoa, this is heavy. How do you carry three of these?" She asked as she struggled to lift the box.

Alex just grumbled.
"I'm Kasumi Miryoku, by the way."

"And I'm still seventy percent asleep, so leave me the fuck alone," Alex said as he took the box out of Miryoku's hands and stacked it on top of the other two.

He left the silver-haired girl shocked as he carried the boxes to the elevator. As he stepped into the elevator, he was greeted by Midoriya Nori, whom he ignored.

After putting his stuff away in his room and a bit of unpacking, he got a notification on his phone. He saw that he had been added to a group chat and had received a message.

"Everybody downstairs." it read.

Alex groaned and placed his face in his hand. "It's too fucking early for this shit." he muttered.


Downstairs everyone was sitting in the common room.

Hitomi looked around. There were only eight others.

"Where's Alex?" she asked.

A silver-haired girl also looked around. "Do you mean that boy with silver eyes? I think he's still upstairs," she said softly. "and he didn't seem in that good of a mood."

Just then, the elevator dinged, and Alex stepped out. Without saying a word, he took a chair and sat down.

Everybody except Alex looked in anticipation at the boy who had called everybody down. Kirishima Heizo cleared his throat.

"Since we will all be living together for the coming three years, I think it is important to establish some house rules."

Alex let out an exhausted sigh.

"Can we do this later? Classes start in half an hour, and I don't want to be late. Also, who decided you'd be in charge?"

Heizo looked a little confused. "Nobody. I only thought it would be smart to get this out of the way. And though I appreciate your willingness to be on time for classes,  I think we should first get this figured out."

Sparks jumped between Alex's shaking fingers, indicating he was getting frustrated. Heizo, however, didn't seem to notice.

Hitomi did.

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