Chapter 2

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It was still a full two months before the entrance exam. Even though Alex didn't want to enroll, he still trained hard to get into shape.

Twice a week, he went to the gym. When his father asked why he trained so hard when he didn't even want to enroll, Alex replied,

"Because if I'm going to become a hero, I might as well become the best."

Every week he followed a strict diet and underwent harsh training.

A month before the entrance exam, when Alex returned from the gym, he remembered he still had to hand in the preferences for his hero costume.

Better drop by the nearest Quirk Registration Bureau, he thought.

After a ten-minute walk, he arrived there. After heading for some waiting, he got called up to the counter.

"Can I help you?" the bored-looking lady asked.

"Yes. I'm enrolling in UA's Hero course. I'm here to hand in my hero costume preferences."

"What's your name?"

"Alexander Jack Locke. That's l-o-c-k-e."

Alex spelled it out to prevent confusion.

"Land of origin?"

This question took Alex by surprise.

"Excuse me?"

"Your land of origin. You have a foreign name. It's just protocol."

"I've lived here in Japan since I was nine. But if you really want to know, it's England."

The lady handed him a paper.

"Fill out this form and hand it back when you're done. You can find our professional illustrator upstairs on the left if you want an illustration. Next!"

After Alex had filled out the form, he went upstairs to have an illustration added. He knocked on the door, but there was no reaction. After trying again, a voice sounded from the inside,

"Come in!"

As Alex stepped inside, he saw a skinny, old man sitting behind a desk. But that wasn't the strangest part. The man was blindfolded.

"How can I help you?" the man asked cheerfully.

"Uhm, I'm here to get my hero costume illustrated. Am I in the right place or-?"

"Ah yes. Sit down. Do you already have a design in mind?"


"Good, good. Let me get my stuff."

The man got up, walked over to a drawer, took out a notepad and some colored pencils, and sat back down in front of him

"I'm sorry to be rude, but why do you wear a blindfold?" Alex asked.

"Oh. I'm blind. I was born without eyes, and it freaks some people out, so I wear a blindfold. But my quirk allows me to see. I have a telepathy quirk, that allows me to see through the eyes of others. And in this case, perfectly draw what you have in mind. Now, just close your eyes and picture yourself wearing your hero costume. No need to describe it."

Alex did what he was told, and the man went to work.

After sitting there for twelve minutes, the man was done and handed him the picture. Alex's eyes went wide when he saw the result. It was exactly what he had envisioned.

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