Chapter 8

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Lara Havock paced in the living room of her apartment. She had just finished cleaning and was now waiting for the doorbell.
She looked at the clock.

"He's late." She mumbled.

Just then, the doorbell rang.

She flicked her wrist as she walked towards the door. A small forcefield formed around the door handle and moved down, opening it and revealing the muscular silhouette of the no.1 Hero.
"I am late!" He exclaimed in English, channelling his former mentor.

Lara snickered. "Yes, you are. Come in."

She led Izuku to the living room and gestured towards the couch. The room was filled with boxes.

"Apologies for the mess. It's everything I brought from America. The apartment was just temporary."

"It's okay. Thank you for making time for me today. So, I'm here to ask you some questions." Izuku told her.

"Hit me." She replied.

"First off, from what I have gathered, your Japanese is not the best." He said, looking at the notes that he had with him.

Lara smiled sheepishly. "I understand it decently it's just... My pronunciation is terrible."

"That's okay. I'm sure that we can find a tutor for you or something. Because English is your native language, you will be exempted from English classes. During those hours, you can work on your Japanese."

Lara nodded. "That would be great."

"Now that we have that out of the way, What do you think of your future classmates?"

Lara frowned. "I haven't paid attention to them yet. I mean, school hasn't even started yet." 

"What about Alex Locke? You two spent some time together, right?"

"Eh. He seems okay, I guess. I think he acts all tough and like an absolute, ehm, asshole, but deep down, he is just a big softy." 

Izuku raised an eyebrow. "What makes you say that?"

Lara shrugged. "There is no way someone can be so angry all the time. And he slipped up a couple of times."

"You'd be surprised at how angry one can be," Izuku mumbled as he wrote everything down.

They continued talking about the kind of classes she would be following, and after some time, Izuku looked at his phone when he received an alert.

"I'm sorry to cut this conversation short, but something has come up that needs taking care of." he said to Lara after he had read it.

Lara nodded in understanding. "No problem. A Hero gotta do what a Hero gotta do."

Izuku got up and dashed through the door, leaving behind a cloud of dust. 


While dashing through the streets, Izuku looked at his phone again. The request for backup had come from only a block away.

Weird. he thought. I don't hear any fighting. 

When he rounded the corner, he saw a group of people standing around something on the ground. Izuku skidded to a halt and pushed his way through the crowd.

His eyes went wide with shock. There on the ground lay a Hero unconscious. A bystander was performing CPR on him, seemingly to no avail. The Hero's phone was still in his hand, finger still on the emergency button.

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