Chapter 5

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During the bus ride back to UA, Alex sat next to Hitomi.

"I'm sorry for taking your kill. And for acting the way I did earlier. I'm just really nervous." she said out of the blue.

"Huh?" Alex asked, confused.
"Oh, right. Don't worry about it." he noted as he realized what she said, dismissing the topic.

Hitomi was quiet for a couple of seconds. "What's your quirk?" she then asked.

Alex sighed. "If I tell you, will you leave me alone?"

Hitomi was surprised by his sudden cold demeanor. At one point, he was kind and open, and a second later, his personality changed to cold and uncaring.

What is his deal? she thought.

"Oh, don't give me that. It's the least you can do to make good for hurting my tail." she said, poking him in his side.

He slapped her hand away.
"Ugh, fine. My quirk is Energy Control. I can absorb, convert, emit, and control; electric, kinetic, and heat energy. I can also use the absorbed energy to supercharge my muscles. When I do this, I become a lot stronger and faster. Now it's your turn."

"I have a hybrid quirk called Blink. It allows me to teleport wherever I want as long as I have seen the location in the last forty-eight hours. I can also take someone or something with me as long as I am touching it or them. I also have telekenesis. I can produce a force up to five meganewtons."

"That's quite a lot of force. What are the drawbacks?"

"There aren't really any. If I overuse my quirk, I get exhausted, but that's it. What about yours?"

Before Alex could answer, the third-year in the front of the bus announced, "Everybody out and follow me."

The entire group got up and followed the student to a running track.

"Okay, we're going to test your speed and endurance. Three rounds around the course. Quirk use is allowed." Angelbeat announced.

Everybody went to the starting line and took a starting position.
Alex stood next to Lara and Xiao. "Good luck to both of you." he said.

Lara smirked. "Try to keep up."

She said in Japanese. As she spoke two glowing white discs formed under her feet, lifting her off the ground.

"START!" Angelbeat shouted.

Lara shot forward, the two glowing discs keeping her in the air.

Miyazaki disappeared in thin air somewhere left to Alex, only to reappear halfway on the track.

Alex drew in all the energy around him, turning the air around him freezing cold.

"Oi!" he heard a voice next to him.

Alex looked to his right and saw that he had frozen the water that Xiao had been gathering around his feet.

"Sorry." he shouted before he leaped forward.

Everything around him turned into a blur by the speed he was moving at.

At some point, he passed a flying girl with long, curly green hair and pink cheeks. She looked at him in surprise as he passed her.

He quickly caught up to Lara.

"You try to keep up, slowpoke." he shouted as he ran past her.

By the time he was halfway through the first round of the course, Miyazaki had already finished.

In his second round, he passed Xiao and Rhone, who were still on their first lap.

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