𝙍𝙞𝙨𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙈𝙮 𝙇𝙞𝙛𝙚

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Phil's POV

I felt a hand touch my hair

"Phil?" A voice whispered

"What's going on?"

"We have to go, wake up"

"Oh shit, I'm awake, I'm awake!" I said, opening my eyes and seeing Ellie

She was still lying on top of me, so I told her

"So? Shall we go?"

"Oh yeah, sorry I didn't realize I was still on top of you"

"Don't worry about it"

I got up too, the pain in my arm had subsided, but I still felt it a little. We went out and saw two guys near a fire, Joel and Henry silently took them out, I helped Joel and Henry open a metal gate, but we heard a turret approaching

"Oh fuck, they're here!" Said Joel

"Okay guys, get up here" Said Henry climbing into a container

Sam and Ellie climbed up, when it was my turn, the ladder broke causing me to fall down

"Shit! Phil!" Ellie exclaimed

"I'm fine!"

"Come on guys, let's go!" Said Henry

"What the fuck? And leave them here?" Answered Ellie

"Do you think there is another way?"

"Ah fuck it Henry" Said Ellie coming down from me

"Phil" He added once on the ground

"Ellie what the fuck are you doing? Why didn't you go with them?"

"Let's stick together no matter what"

We followed Joel and arrived at a garage door

"Phil help me open it"

"I'm coming"

We opened the door and I slipped inside, then held the door up for Joel and Ellie to pass through, after which I closed it. We ran to the end of a bridge, but it was broken in two, and below us was a raging river

"Shit, now what?" I said

"Phil, you help Ellie around, then-" Joel was talking but Ellie cut him off

"No, we can jump!"

"Ellie, you can't swim!" I told her

" I don't mind, you'll keep me afloat"

"No Ellie, let's try to go around"

"No time to argue!" She said jumping down

"ELLIE!" I shouted catching her hand in time, but falling down with her

During the flight I pulled her to me and held her tightly, then there was the impact with the water

--- Time Skip ---

I woke up on the sand, spitting water and not understanding anything

"Phil, we made it" I heard a familiar voice, but my vision was blurry and I couldn't see well

"What?- Where?-"

"Shh it's okay"

After a few minutes I began to see better, I was sitting on the sand, next to me was Ellie

"Ellie!" I hugged her

"See, I told you she would make it!" Said a person, I thought I knew that voice

I turned and saw Henry, I was so pissed off that I grabbed my gun and pointed it at him

"What the fuck did you think you were doing?"

"Hey!" Intervened Sam

"You better back off!"

"Take it easy Sam, he's just pissed off, but he's not going to do anything"

"Do you really believe that?"

"Phil, calm down" Said Ellie putting her hand on my shoulder

I sighed

"Thank her, if it wasn't for her I'd shoot you dead" I said putting the gun back in the holster

"You try any more shit like that and I'll send you straight to the afterlife" I added

Ellie took my face in her hands

"Phil- Look at me-"

"Sorry, I just can't stand this shit"

"I know"

She kissed me on the cheek, almost making my anger disappear

"Are you okay?" She asked, putting her arms around my neck

"Ellie- I-"

I didn't have time to finish because Joel came in

"We need to check this area, you two go that way"

"All right"

We were looking but were called by Henry

"Hey guys, come here!"

We ran to him

"What's up?" I asked

"I think this brings in"

Joel and Henry opened the sewer pipe grate, letting me and Ellie through and then closing it behind them

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