Chapter 2

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~Your POV~

I stayed in my room for the rest of the day still mad about what happened with my mom .Her and my dad just broke up not even that long ago and she's already messing around with the neighbor.

 Y/C called me and we talked for hours he made me happy that's why I loved him. "So I was think maybe we could get ice-cream if you want to." He said "Of course when?" I said "Hm maybe Saturday at 3 if that's fine with you." He said flipping his hair god I loved when he did that. "Yeah that's perfect see you then." I said with a smile. "Ok, Bye love you." He said. "Love you too" I said hanging up. 

"Who was that?" My mom said standing from the door. "No one mom." I said annoyed. "Must have been making plans without my consent." My mom said. I groaned and rest my head in my hands annoyed. "Was it that boy from the bus I saw you with?!" My mom asked I tired of it and said "You don't see me in your business so stay out of mine!" I blurted out. "Ok." My mom said and walked away with a sigh.

~Time Skip~ (Next day)

~Buttercup POV~

I woke up late not wanting to get up my dad opened the curtains to see the bright light in my face. "Mmm dad" I said groaning turning away from the light. "Rise and shine!" He said with a smile. "Someone's happy this morning" Blossom said after dad left the room. "Tell me about it" I said. I got ready put a green outfit on since it's my favorite color. "Come on were gonna be late" my dad said he never usually rushes us unless were late but he woke us up an hour early. "Coming!" Bubbles said running downstairs.

 Me and Blossom were done getting ready and were down stairs dad gave us our lunch while we wait for the bus. We looked outside to see Y/N and her mom outside my dad jumped up from the couch and when outside. We did the same and followed after him. My dad had a huge smile on his face not likely to happen. The bus came down the hill.

~Your POV~

I got on the bus along with Buttercup and her sisters. I sat right by Y/C I hugged him and looked back to see my mom going to Mr.Utonium's house. I scoffed and turned back to my seat "Something wrong?" Y/C asked concerned. "Nothing, im fine babe." I said with a slight smile. "You sure?" He asked I pecked his lip and smiled . "That answers my question too." He said and smirked. We arrived to school me and Y/C walked in holding hands. I could feel almost everyone eyes on us jaws dropped shocked.

 But I didn't care me and Y/C walked to class and sat almost in the back. Buttercup was right behind us smirking and happy for me. " Class today we had a kid moving to this room everyone say hello to Jessica" My teacher said. I felt my jaw dropped Jessica was not only my ex- bestfriend but she likes Y/C. Y/C was just as surprised as me. " Jessica would you mind sitting by Buttercup" My teacher said. "Sure." Jessica said smirking god I hate her. As she walked pass us to go to her sitting she looked me up and down.

 I rolled my eyes as she passed Y/C place his hand on my leg to calm me down. Jessica has always been in the school but we had different schedules so never saw each other until now.

~Time Skip~

~Jessica's POV~

I was very surprised to see Y/C and Y/N together holding hands. I knew exactly how to break them up in seconds so I could have cared less to see them. Soon class ended and it was lunch time I saw Y/C carrying Y/N's bags I scoffed and went to lunch. Y/N got her lunch and I walked up to her and flip the tray the food landing right on her shoes. Y/C came running "What hell is your problem?!" Y/C said cleaning her up.

 Y/N stood in shocked I smirked "Oops didn't see you." I said walking away with a smirk. As a walked away someone threw milk all one my shirt. "Oops." the same girl I sat by this morning said. I scoffed and walked away looking the girl up and down .

~Drake's POV~

"Hey uh Megan.." I said now facing her. "Yes Drake" she said out of breath. "So uh I just wanted to know we do date now right?" I said nervously. "Of course Drake." she said I sighed in relief. " I should get home the bus will get here soon." Megan said putting her clothes on. "Ok again tomorrow?" I asked "Can't" She said with no hesitation my smile faded." Why not?" I said in confusion while putting my clothes on. 

"I got work on Wednesday and Friday and you left your jacket at my house" She said giving me a kiss and leaving. Damn I loved when she did that. The bus came down the hill and I went outside to get my girls.


We got to Y/N's bus stop she gave me a gentle kiss. "Bye love" I said with a smirk. "Bye Y/C" she said walking off the bus. I got on my phone and turned on some music since I have 5 minutes until im home. Right when Im out of Y/N seat here comes Jessica sitting right by me with a smile. "Can I help you?" I said annoyed taking my airpods in my case. "So you date Y/N now Y/C I see." she said . "What's it to you" I said "You know.. I really thought we had something Y/C " She said playing in my hair. " Well clearly not." I said moving her hand away from my hair.

 "You know you want me back Y/C " She said kissing my cheek and leaving the bus. " Damn playa you got it all." Some kid said. I rolled my eyes know my bus stop is next I put my phone in my pocket and put my bag on to leave. I walked in my drive-way and got my spare key under the mat. "Mom im home." I said "Hi sweetie how was school" My mom said . "Okay I guess." I said hanging my bag on the "Uh oh what happened today" My mom said. "You know that girl that used to like me a lot?" I started. "Who Jessica?!" My mom said.

 "Yeah shes in my class now and on my bus and her and Y/N hate eachother ." I said. "Oh god well sweetie dont worry about maybe Jessica will give up?" My mom said. " I hope so." I said walking to my room.

~Your POV~

I made it in the house to see Mr.Utonium's jacket still where I left it she didn't even wanna hide it. "Hey Hun how was school?" My mom asked. "It's still here" I said rolling my eyes talking about the jacket. "How about you return it?!" My mom said. "You could have you know I saw you going to his house today right?!" I said my mom sighed.

 "You know what I will return it to." I said grabbing the jacket and walking out the house. I went across the street and knocked on the door. The door knob rattled until he opened the door " Yes?" he said his hair looked a bit messy. "Left this at my house." I said already annoyed. "Oh um thank ha." He said scratching the back of his neck. " Oh and give this note to your mom for me." He said taking the jacket and closing the door.

 I couldn't help but open the note to see his number on it. I threw the paper in the garbage and went to Y/C's house I was done with my mom. I went to Y/C's back yard and climbed up his house to his window. I knocked on the window he jumped a bit and came to open the window.

 "What are you doing here?!" He asked confused. I kissed him instantly for a minute before pushing back from the kiss. "Sorry heh.." I said nervously. "Im guessing you missed me?" He said with a smirk. "Yeah I did." I said his eyes widened at my word. "Ok but seriously why are you here Babe?" He asked again. "I was tired of my mom and wanted to visit you." I admitted. 

"Oh well my dad is kinda here so we have to be quiet." He said. "What you haven't told him about me?" I said. "No but I did tell my mom about you." He said. "Don't worry I haven't told my mom about you either and she doesn't know im here.." I said. "Oh that's fine so what did you want to do?" He asked "Watch a movie I guess" I said "Ok princess" He says as he gets the remote. I picked a movie and it started. After 30 minute we both fell asleep in eachothers arms.


"Hey son how was-" My dad started I sat up quickly "Who the hell is that Y/C?!" My dad almost yelled.

To be countinued.....

Cliff hanger I know sorry Luv yall 1575 words! (Sorry it's short :D)

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