Chapter 4

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I walked to lunch with buttercup and Y/C. I got my lunch and set down I saw Jessica  walked by she kicked my chair as she walked passed I didn't care really. "Y/C?" I asked catching him out his glare I followed his eye to realize he has his glare on Heather. I put my hands over his eyes to stop him from staring "Y/C are you ok?" I asked "Huh uh yeah..." He said still sneaking looks a Heather. 

Buttercup and her sister sat down with me "Hey Y/N!" Buttercup and Blossom said at the same time. "Jinx knock on wood!" Buttercup said quickly knocking on wood. "Hey guys." I said chuckling .

"Now back to our Jessica conversation." Blossom stated "Hey Babe ima go sit with the boys" Y/C said squeezing my hand lightly and getting up. "Babe?!" Buttercup said with a smirk. "Shut up." I groaned causing everyone to laugh. "Seriously   Y/N, why does Jessica hate you so much?" Blossom asked stay on the topic I hate.

"Well, we were friends for a while untillll-" I got sidetracked when I saw Heather sitting really close by Y/C I felt angry inside if looks could kill Heather would be dead by now. "Uhh Y/N you were saying." Buttercup said looking at me concerned.

"Oh right until we both realized we like Y/C so we stop being friends then we really stopped being friends we she moved classes last year but that's past. " I explained.

"Wow never knew you two were fighting over him." Blossom said surprised. "Yeah anyways what's your opinion on the new girl?" Buttercup asked I quickly  knew who she was talking about. "Who Heather shes alright I guess." Blossom said "Bubble?" Buttercup asked her "Shes cool to me!" Bubbles said exited and a little shy. "Y/N?" Blossom asked catching my attention. "Uh shes uh hpm... cute." I said furious already that shes even by Y/C .

"Speaking of her where is she actually." Buttercup said  looking around. "I see here with Y/C lets go come on Y/N!" Blossom said grabbing my hand. I groaned as I got up my blood was boiling almost


Heather was really close to me making me blush slightly, I know I have a girl but why not push my luck. In the corner of my eye I saw Y/N and her three friends coming over to where I was at I quickly moved my knee from Heather's and sat up. "My teacher gave us a essay today AGAIN-" My friend Jacob stopped we he followed my glance to see what I was looking at. "OoO your girl coming bro" Jacob said. I rolled my eyes playfully. "Room for us?" Buttercup I believe asked. "Yeah, sure" Jacob said making room causing me to be a bit more close to Heather.

Y/N sat by Jacob pretty close I cleared my throat causing Heather to speak up "Hi im Heather." she said putting her hand out for Y/N to shake. "Im aware." Y/n replied glaring at Heather. "Uhm okay.." Heather said putting her hand down.

I made eye-contact with Y/N she broke it immediately. The bell rung  Y/N got up and ran. "What's with her?" Jacob asked clueless. "She's not usually like this bye guys." Blossom said walking away with Bubbles leaving us with Buttercup.

"So how about we all call after school?!" Heather asked with a shrug. "Ok, sounds good to me." Buttercup said exchanging numbers. "Ok I've gotta go, cya " Buttercup said leaving

~Time skip ~


It was time to go home already ugh I'm still grounded for yesterday. The teacher was done explaining homework the bell rung.

Everyone got up including me I put my books in the locker and got on the bus. I was still mad at Y/C  so I decided to sit somewhere else instead of our usual spot.

Y/C got on the bus looking around for me he sat down ar his usual spit wait for me

~5 minute later~


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