Chapter 10

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~3 Days Later~

~Mr.Utoniums POV~

Today was the estimated time Princess Morbucks was coming. I decided to not let my girls go to school today and instead  I decided to let them prepare and practice.

I wanted to ask Megan if Y/N could not go today but I couldn't think of an excuse other than the truth and especially not after last night .

Besides I can't talk to her she with someone else but at least she is happy.


I sat there in class bored out of my mind hardly listening to the teacher's lesson for today.

I zoned out listening to the city not to far away. Cars honking, Dogs barking, people screaming , explosions, birds singing- wait a minute explosions?!

I quickly thought of an excuse to leave the classroom. I grabbed a sharp pencil and poked my index finger hard enough until it bled a bit.

"Um excuse me?" I said interrupting the teachers lesson, causing almost everyone to look  in my direction  including Jacob and Y/C which I tried to avoid eye contact with at all costs.

" Is it an emergency are you bleeding" the teacher sighed annoyed.

"Actually yes I am can I go to the nurse?" I said showing her my finger.

"Go ahead." She said and with that I left the school. I cant believe that worked!

Running as fast as I could to Mr.Utoniums house to inform him about this. I knew for a fact it was the day that Princess bitch comes to town.

~Buttercups POV~

Professor was speeding down the streets to the school to get Y/N after he found out on the news that the town is on lockdown and the S.W.A.T and the police were already there ready to attack.

While driving Professor drove pass a person running really fast me and the person made eye-contact until I realized it was Y/N!

"Professor stop! Y/Ns right there." I exclaimed.

Causing Professor to stop for Y/N to get in the car she was breathing heavily, since nobody was in the streets because of lockdown Professor took a U-Turn in the middle of the street driving back home.

"We don't have much time we need to go home a get your suits okay girls?" Professor said more panicked than calm.

After Y/N caught her breathe she finnally said "Suits? What suits?".

"The suits I designed for the four of you." Professor answered.

After a while we got home and quickly ran inside to grab the suits.

~Third Person POV~

Buttercup and her sisters gapsed at their suits.

Y/N's eyes widened as she looked at the suit designed just for her. "I hope you girls like the-" Mr.Utonium said but was interrupted when Y/N ran up to him and hugged him.

"Thank you Mr.Utonium, really." Y/N said causing Drake to just smile softly.

After the girls changed they didn't waste any time and jumped straight into action.

They flew in the sky Y/N was anxious at first but adjusted to it. "Y/N use your super hearing and see what's happening." Buttercup said.

As Y/N was using her super hearing she could hear screams and buildings crashing.

"It's a disaster, I hear buildings being destroyed and people screaming but no sign of Morbucks." Y/N replied

After a while they stopped in mid air looking over the city.

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