Chapter 1

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 ~Second Person~

Three triplets and there dad you believe just moved in. You've been living in Townsville for a while but the sisters just moved right next to you.

Your mom was a sweet person and always cooked a meal for new neighbors. Your mom cooked the new neighbors Spaghetti. You wanted to meet the new neighbors as well so you went with your mom.

~Your POV~

I walked up to the doorstep with my mom as she knocked on the door their dad answered the door "Oh, Um hello." He said politely. "Hi we noticed you just moved infront of us and wanted to make you a small meal" Your mom said with a smile. "Thank you! wow.. I don't know what to say thank you." He said returning the smile.

 I glance thru the door to see boxes everywhere and a girl looking behind a box wearing blue. I waved and she waved nervously and walked away quickly. " Well since thanks-giving is around the corner I'm having a diner party I'd love for you to come." My mom said. "I'd love to come. "Great see you later mr??" My mom asked for his name. " Utonium Drake Utonium."  He said " Well goodnight Mr.Utonium" My mom said he smiled and nodded and closed the the door.

~Time Skip~

~Your POV~

It's Thanksgiving the day of the party, I got ready and put an orange skirt on with little pumpkins on them, and a white shirt, with a sweater and black shoes. I went downstairs to help my mom with dinner she already look like she's rushing "Morning mom." I said yawning "Morning honey can you put that table outside for me." she asked me and gave me a peck on my cheek and put something in the oven. 

I did as she asked me and put silverware on the table and napkins my mom was cooking  already and I was done helping my mom get ready some people already was outside talking about the new neighbors infront of us.

 A couple Minutes later Mr.Utonium and his three girls came. Before I could greet them neighbors were already welcoming them in like it's their party. Soon people left the new neighbors alone. " Hello Mr. Utonium glad you could make it." I said. "Thank you these are my kids Bubble , Blossom, and Buttercup." He said. "Hi i'm Y/N" I said smiling. "Girls, why do you all go talk while I go get drinks." He said walking away.

~Time Skip~

It was after the party Mr.Utonium decided to help clean up with your mom. While you and the sisters were talking and giggling. After awhile the kitchen gets quiet and you peak down stairs to see your mom and Mr.Utonium kissing on the counter. You gasp quietly you kicked a pair of shoes down the stairs on accident causing them to stop you ran back in your room. "What happened?" Blossom asked. "They were just kissing on the counter!" you said. "What?!" Buttercup And Blossom said shocked.

 "Does that mean were.. sisters?!" Bubbles asked innocently.

 "What no! I mean maybe but no." Blossom said panicked. "Girls! time to go!" Mr.Utonium said laughing a bit and out of breath. "Guys before you go act normal" You said waving from your room. "We'll try bye Y/N" Buttercup said leaving "Bye Y/N!" Bubbles and Blossom. 

~Time Skip~

~Mr.Utonium POV~

After that kiss I couldn't stop thinking about Megan (Your Moms Name) I didn't know I really had feelings for her. I need to taste her lips again just one more time. I woke up the girls and made their lunches as they got ready. "Girls lets go you're gonna be late!" I yelled from downstairs. I walked with them to the bus not to expect Megan and Y/N waiting for the bus aswell.  A few seconds of awkward silence Bubbles broke the silence "Hello Ms. Y/LN " Bubbles said smiling "Good morning Bubbles" Megan said retuning the smile. Soon the bus came down the hill "Bye Girls be good!" I said. 

The bus left and Megan walked to her house. "Megan wait!" I said "Yes Drake?" she said furrowing her eyebrows in confusion " About Last week.. I couldn't stop thinking about it I-" I rambled my words " Drake it's fine we should get inside it's chilly" she said walking in the house as I walked in it felt warm inside "So I have some lemo-" she started but I couldn't take it I crashed my lips on hers I pulled back "Sorry I-" She kissed me back before I could say sorry we started to walk to her room but still holding the kiss.

~Your POV~

We arrived to school luckily our locker were by each other "Guys was it just me or were your dad and my mom acting really weird" You said. "Yeah they were not greeting to each other no eye contact nothing." Blossom says. "Yeah they been acting weird all since the party." Buttercup said. "Lets not worry about it maybe they might think its best for them to be friends?" Bubbles said. "Yeah Bubbles right lets get to class." Blossom says

~Time Skip~ 

~In Class~

~Your POV~

Since I have been here for a while I do have some friends from my neighborhood I talk to and I manage to have a crush that lives right behind Mr.Utonium . I walked in class to see my crush, Y/C sitting in the empty seat by me I felt butterflies in my stomach. I walked to my seat and sat down putting my books on the desk. "Hi Y/C you sit here now?" I asked " Yeah teacher moved me for talking to much" He said in a low voice. "Oh ok" I said.

 A couples seconds I see Buttercup coming in the class "Your late why?" My teacher asked "Sorry I couldn't find this room" She said." Its ok I understand new student and all." My teacher said "Oh you can sit behind.. Y/N!" My teacher said "Cool" Buttercup said walking over to the seat behind me.

 "Psst Y/N you didn't tell me you had a boyfriend" Buttercup said smirking Y/C turned around and looked at her then me "Because he's not Buttercup" I said embarrassed "Ohh I see is this the one you said lives behind me?" She said  Y/C turned around and pinched his forehead. "Buttercup! come on take a hint" I whisper loudly embarrassed even more "Hey I mean I been knew you liked me just never wanted to push it" Y/C said your eyes widen at his words you got butterflies again. 

"Wait you knew?!" I said shocked "I mean yeah and don't worry I like you back." He said. "Soo are you two dating now?!" Buttercup said. "Yeah If you want to. Y/N" He said asking me "Yes of course." I said smiling he returned it. "Just to be clear I got you both together right?" Buttercup said "Yes Buttercup you did" I said "Alright turn to page 98 in your books" My teacher said

~Time Skip~

~Megan POV~ (Your Mom)

I breathed heavily and laid on Drakes chest for a while. "Wow that was uh- Great." I said putting my clothes back on "I know how many rounds was it" He said "I can't count" I said I glance at the clock school realizing it's 30 minutes until the bus comes "Drake hurry we have to go the bus is coming in 30 minutes." I said fixing my hair Drake put his clothes back on and fixed his hair. Drake pecked my lips before he left "Sorry couldn't resist you" He said smirking and winking before he left to his house. Right as he went in the house the bus came down the hill.

 I saw Y/N sitting by a boy who I hoped was a friend and along with Drakes girls walked out. "Y/N! how was school I said as we walked in the house. "Good" she said putting her bag down. She went on about her day until she asked "Can use your charger for my computer?" she asked "Sure go ahead it's in my room." I said just as I remembered Drake left his jacket and left it right on the bed. "Umm mom?!" Y/N said walking out the room holding drake's jacket "Whos jacket is this?!" she asked confused. "Umm it's Mr.Utonium he left it after the party" I said knowing I just lied to her. "Mom he had this on this morning and I saw him running across the street to our house mom!" She said " Oh right I um-" She  started "You know what I don't even wanna hear it!" she said storming off.  "Y/N!" I yelled after her. I knew her dad and I broke up not too long ago like 5 weeks ago so I felt bad that she found out about this.


1500 words read

This is my first book ever so I hope you enjoyed this. Chapter 2 atleast before December can't promise that.

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