Chapter 11

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~Y/N's POV~

I got on the bus, I sat in the back, and I didn't wanna sit with Y/C, I was the like seventh person to get on the bus so more people would come on.

I saw him get on the bus, I quickly scooted to the window so he wouldn't see me. Then Heather came on the bus, she sat right by Y/C.

I didn't want to care but I mean I did, it hurts to see your ex moving on so fast.

I didn't feel hurt for too long eventually I was just upset I shouldn't even be jealous.

Soon enough Jessica came on. It was sorta loud on the bus now so I had to use my super hearing to hear what she was saying.

"Uh Heather move im sitting here." I heard Jessica say.

"I was here first just sit infront of us." Heather said.

Jessica scoffed before stating. "This isn't part of the deal."

"Deal what deal." Y/C asked confused let whatever kind of drama unfold.

Heather sighed and then explained. " The deal was I get you and Y/N to break up for Jessica could date you." Now this is something to be mad about but I shouldn't be mad he still cheated.

"Wait what both of you get the hell away from me!" Y/C said upset why is he upset he fell for their plan even though that doesn't make since why would Heather help Jessica?

Jessica and Heather sat with each other
bickering the whole ride.

Soon it was my stop thank god I could not stay on that bus for another minute.

As I was walking down the isle I felt someone grab my wrist.

"Y/N let me expla-." I interrupted Y/C before he could say anything. "Save it." I said yanking my hand from his grip he had on me.

I walked off the bus and into my house. "Mom?" I asked concerned at the amount of quietness.

"Yeah I'm in my room." My mom stated sniffling sounds like she's been crying I wonder if it was about my dad.

I walk in her room, "Are you okay mom?" I asked once I entered her room.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine, just had to let some emotions ou- what's on your face?" My mom asked. I walked in her bathroom to see what she was talking about.

It was ash and dirt from when I got the rocks piled on top of me. "Oh uh just some paint from art." I lied turning the fosset on wiping the dirt off my face.

" uh okay, are you alright I know there was lockdown for the whole town today." She asked.

"Yeah I'm fine." I stated. " Good I wouldn't want anything to happen to you." She stated.

"Yeah.. well I'm gonna go rest it's been a long day." I said walking out of her room, upstairs to mine.

I sat on my bed playing with the lamp on my nightstand bored.

Eventually I got a text from Jacob stating.

'Hey, do you wanna hang out?' He texted

'Yea sure where?'

'The park?' He replied.

'Yeah sure see you in 10 :)' I texted back.

I walked back downstairs to tell my mom I was going out she just said okay. I left the house and walked to the park it was only a 6 minute walk not too far.

We I got their I saw him leaning on a pole on his phone scrolling. He noticed me and waved.

"Hey Y/N." He said with a smile I got butterflies but I snapped out of it since I remembered he just wanted to be friends.

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