Chapter 6

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I watched as Y/N walked off the bus. I leaned my head on the window and waited for my stop. Jessica sat by me. I rolled my eyes

"Y/C, you know you love me." Jessica said

" No, and whatever you and Heather have going on leave me out of all that." I said

It was her stop, and she didn't get up.

"Is Jessica on here?!" The bus driver asked over the speakers. Everyone looked around. " Noo," some kids stated

The bus kept moving. "What the hell?!" I said

"Shh I coming with you," she said "No your not." I retorted.

" Oh, but I am, you see.. this?" Jessica stated, showing her phone and a picture of me kissing her on the cheek. " Yeah, what about that's when we dated?" I said

" Yeah, but Y/N doesn't know that doesn't know that, does she?" She said. " No.." I admitted

"Exactly, and as long as I don't show her this, you get to have her." Jessica said

My bus stop came. Jessica ran fast. Off the bus, the bus driver thought it was me until she saw me coming. " Wait, who was that?" The bus driver asked. I shrugged and got off the bus.

" My parents are home. Great." I said

"Aww, don't worry, they love me." Jessica said, waiting for me to unlock the door while leaning on the door. I bent down to get my key from under the mat, but just as I went to pick it up, the door swung opened, leaving Jessica falling.

I held back my laugh. I saw my Dad standing there. " You take this as a joke. I told about having girls here yesterday." My dad stated.

"Yeah, I know, but yesterday that girl was my girlfriend. This is a classmate im studying with for a uhh.. Project!" I lied.

" Ya think I was born yeste-" My dad started, but was interrupted by Jessica.

"Hellooo, I'm still on the floor." She stated.

" Then get up no maids around here." My dad stated Jessica looked shocked.

" Dad, I promise we're just studying," I said, sounding suspicious to my own self

"Mhm, ok.. go ahead on now I have work." My dad said. "Bye dad," I said, walking inside

"Hi mom, going to go study with Jessica!" I said quickly, running upstairs with Jessica. "WHAT?!" my mom yelled, confused.

If im being honest with myself, im kinda excited that Jessica is with me, but I still love Y/N, I do... We made it to my room, and she sat down on my bed. "Studying?" Jessica said with her arms crossed." Yeah, I didn- nevermind what do you want." I said, stopping myself from explaining to her. I dont need to explain nothing to her. "Oh, you know..." Jessica trailed her fingers on my chest, making me blush a bit... not a lot.


I finally made up with my mom and told her about Y/C and I, and she told me about her and Mr.Utonium . The only thing I didn't tell her about was the date.. On the bright side, she said she was going somewhere too.

"Mom, could I go over Y/C's house?" I asked "Yeah sure tell him I said hi, " my mom said.

I walked down to the street and waved at Buttercup as she was getting the mail.

"Hey! Where are you going ?" Buttercup asked . "Im going to Y/C's house wanna come too?" I asked "Sure ill ask my dad and see if my sister wanna go." Buttercup closed the handle to the mailbox and went inside. I waited for her to come out.

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