Chapter 3

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"Who the hell is that Y/C?!" My dad said . "Dad I-" I started "Wait don't tell me you have a girl friend!" He said excitedly. "Um yeah?!" I said shocked about his sudden change of mind. We were too loud and woke up Y/N "What's all this noise for?" Y/N asked yawing.

 "Uhh dad this is Y/N, Y/N this is my dad?" I said almost embarrassed. "Oh uh Hi Mr. YC/L" Y/N said nervously. "Hello Y/n just need to talk to my son for a quick minute." My dad said pulling me away. "Wow son didn't know you had it in you. you know you got it from me right?!" My dad said . 

"Yeah I know dad.." I said. "But you know the next time I catch with a girl I wont be this nice.." My dad said threating me but still saying it in a nice way. "Yes sir." I sighed "Alright go have fun but not too much." My dad said winking and going downstairs. I went back in my room to see Y/N laying down on my bed still not paying my dad attention. "Sorry about all that." I said


 "It's fine babe I should get going anyways its getting late." I said getting up from the bed. "Ok see you tomorrow babe" Y/C said as I peck his cheek leaving. I walked down the the street back to my house I decided to go thru the window. I crawled into my room thru the window just to see my mom sitting in my chair.

 "Your late and past curfew where have you been?!" My mom said trying to keep calm. "None of your business!" I said upset I left Y/C's house. "I asked you to return Mr.Utonium's jacket not go to wherever you went so ima ask again. where. were. YOU?!" My mom asked get furious. "At Y/C's House !" I blurted out as soon as I said it I covered my mouthed slightly gasping . "You were at a boys house?!" My mom said Angry at this point.

 "YES not like you weren't either today" I muttered the last part. "What was that?!" My said looking dead in my eyes. "You heard me.. I said not like you weren't either!" I said annoyed. "That's it! Your grounded for a week!" My mom said back. " Like I care you can ground me all you want." I said slamming the door.

~Time Skip ~ (Next Day)

~Jessica's POV~

I woke up ready to go to school. I got ready wearing something casual as usual . I got on the bus and walked by Y/N I was guessing she was waiting for Y/C  of course. I rolled my eyes as I sat across from her. The bus doors closed and drove to Y/C's bus stop. Y/C got on the bus and sat by Y/N not even looking my way.

 The rest of the bus ride I watched as Y/C and Y/N laughed hugging holding hands and everything. Y/N looked my way every time they kissed just to make me jealous. I got off the bus and got my books out the locker. I went and sat down in class.

~Y/N's POV~

I got off the bus holding hands with Y/C he went with his friends and I went with mine. "Hey Y/N!" Buttercup said running towards me along with her sisters. "Oh guys!" I said smiling "Buttercup told us about the Jessica girl-" Blossom started but was interrupted by someone.

 "What about me?" I turned to see where the voice was coming from it was non other than Jessica herself.  I rolled my eyes walking away "Oh Y/N I wasn't done talking to you." Jessica said with a stupid smile "What?  " I said annoyed turning back toward her.

 "You know I hate to repeat myself but I asked you something remember?" She asked trying to sugar code it for me like im the kid. "Oh I heard you I just dont respond to people like you." I said turning away. The bell rang I went to my locker and got my books and got my books. I walked in class to see Jessica talking to Y/C how did she get here so fast I turned my homework in and sat down at my desk causing Y/C and Jessica to stop talking.

 Y/C turned back around his smile fading. Buttercup walked in tapping on my desk as she walked by my desk to sit down. "Alright everyone quiet down" My teacher said causing everyone to stop chattering. "Ok today we have a new student coming today." My teacher started I moved my head to see who was coming in I couldn't see who it was.. yet. " Its ok come on in we don't bite." My teacher said asking the student to come in. The student walked in it was a girl like we don't have enough of them.

 She was wearing jeans and royal blue our school colors . "Everyone this is Heather she's new so everyone welcome her." My teacher said "Heather do you wanna introduce yourself?" My teacher asked her ." Um hi , I'm Heather and I love to skateboard." Heather mumbled almost...

~Y/C POV ~

Heather walked in she was cute I guess. She introduced herself to everyone. "Heather you can sit across from Y/N" My teacher said. During class me and Heather made eye contact with me the whole period. " Class you all can have free time for 15 minutes before lunch. "My teacher stated before walking to her desk. "Hey ima go talk to the boys babe for a bit if that's ok?" I said almost asking for permission. "You don't have to tell me that babe go ahead." She said I smiled walking away to talk to the boys.

~Jessica POV~

I walked in front of Y/N causing her to stop talking to Buttercup. " Ten more minutes" The teacher reminded us like we didn't know. "Yes?" Y/N said like I'm annoying please I'm not annoying. "You know you never answered my question" I said. "I told you I don't answer to people like you didn't I?" She replied turning around to talk to what's it's face I sit by. I walked over to Y/C instead. He was already talking to a bunch of boys. "Uhm Y/C  a word?" I asked. His smile faded once he heard me.

 "Sure I guess." He sighs and gets up we walk in a corner to talk catching a glance from Y/N I smirked as I saw her look. "So you've thought about break up with Y/N yet?" I asked with a slight smirk. "No he hasn't actually." Buttercup I think said but who cares what her name is. "Oh im sorry I didn't know I was talking to someone irrelevant at the time" I said. "Oh you wanna-" Buttercup or whatever started but Y/C pulled her back. "Just answer my question later babes." I told Y/C walking away. 

The bell ranged "Alright class see you after lunch." My teacher stated. Everyone walked out of class I headed down to lunch along with Y/C and Y/N holding hands I rolled my eyes and walked to lunch.

To Be Continued..

Sorry lol and ive been rereading my story and ive seen some typos so im sorry im a fast typer, 1224 words :D

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