Chapter 9

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~Megan's POV~ (your mom)

I walked down the hall and heard Y/N's voice, I walked in just to see her and Drakes kids.

"Y/N ?" I asked confused. Drake came in a moment after.

"Drake you said you haven't seen her she's right here." I said I never thought of him as the type of man to lie.

~Mr.Utoniums POV~

Crap I did say that. Should i tell her the truth or lie again. I sighed and decided to tell half of the truth. "The truth is... I needed her and my girls to help me with something important.." I stated to be honest that was the truth just without the big problem.

"And what might that be?" She asked. What do I say. What do I say !!? "He wanted us to help him with this science thing since we are all learning about it in school." Y/N lied for me.

"Um, okay, you kids have fun?" She said then she went to the bathroom like she was supposed to go. "That was close." I said sighing in relief.

Moments later she came back in and stated "Well Y/N make sure you be back by 8 okay?"

"Okay mom." Y/N replied "Bye kids, Bye Drake" she said and with that, Megan left my house.

I walked back to my computer and continued my research.


"Okay, so what now?" I asked. "I dont know we only have 4 days max until she comes." Mr.Utonium replied.

"4 days?!" Buttercup and her sisters said at the same time.

I felt myself freeze for a moment thinking how I only have 4 days until i have to fight this girl and I hardly know how to control my powers or know the girl!?

"So when do I start training?" I asked. "Now. Blossom will help you." He said. Did it really have to be her?

"Can't I do it?!" Buttercup asked "Fine but we dont have time for you to play around." He stated.

~Jacob POV~

Y/C actually came to practice his face was red and his mom drove him to practice. The coach put us on opposite teams just perfect.. I ran down the field and kicked the ball into the goal. Moments later. My team won the practice match no surprise. Causing Y/C to storm off into the locker room. I watch as he throws his bag down upset. He sat down on a bench and put his head in his hands. "Hey man you good?" I asked concerned.


"Just leave me alone." I muttered annoyed , I wasn't mad because of the game, I was mad because... I dont really know why im upset.

I mean I know my dad did kicked Heather out, grounded me for 3 weeks, gave me a lecture, and he looked through my phone then took it. But on the bright side my mom came in and convinced him to let me go to practice. I dont know why mom let me go to practice but im not complaining.

"I just wanted to see if you were okay?" Jacob continued. "Im fine alright!" I raised my voice a bit. I heard his footsteps fading, I guess he left.


Buttercup was just teaching me the basics like defense and things in that nature.

Bubbles helped discover my powers so far super hearing , the ability to fly, telekinesis and electrokinesis. " (idk if i spelt that right but mb lol?)

Pretty much all the powers I ever wanted.

On the other hand Blossom didn't help as much she only gave me like 2 tips I don't know what's up with her lately.

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