1 ➖。[Y/N : the hot, rich aunt.]

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high school
4:05 p.m.

"Oh shit, you got a little something there" he hooks a punch into the already battered boys face—a line off red starting up Keisuke's arm, inching towards rolled up sleeves. You could practically feel each punch as the landed in the guy's face—the sound of knuckles clashing against bone wasn't the most pleasant of noises.

"there too" he throws another into his gut, sending the guy into the wall behind him. Even with that he didn't seem satisfied with the damage dealt "oh man, you got a yourself a good bruise right there too!" The boy is knocked to the ground with this final punch, dirt flying up as he does

Baji shakes his bloody fist a bit, pushing the surrendering student's face towards the light with the tip of his shoe "The sun's real nice huh? Isn't this a pretty way to get your ass beat?" He points out at the golden hour to the boy's swollen shut eyes.

He works his hair tie out of his hair with the hand that appeared less bloody—allowing inky strands of hair to slip down his face.

He rakes it back with the swipe of his hand, the view of his sharp tooth smile on full display as he leans over the guy he seemed to have sent into a comatose state "Ah, you fell asleep? Damn"

"Chifuyu?" you ask the blonde one spectating just as closely as you were. The two of you had after school duties—wiping off the chalkboards because you got caught passing notes. you hang out the open window now, watching all of it go down from the safety of your classroom.

"Hm?" Chatter almost drowns out his quite response, there's quite a few people gathered by the windows now—watching as Baji beat some dude's ass in the courtyard.

"Why doesn't anyone ever stop him?" You ask, putting a notch into the cover of your notebook to mark the seventh time a fight has broken out on campus this year. There conflicts usually transpire after school but "It's kinda..loud" was a severe understatement.

"The cleanup would be crazy, that's why" Chifuyu chuckles "you didn't eat all the strawberries did you?"

"The one's you stole from Hanagaki?"

"It's not stealing" he corrects you with the wag of his finger"I saved his ass"

"So you can steal his lunch?"

"Clearly you aren't getting the message" "but did you eat 'em?"

"No" you lie through your teeth. He never specified how many you were supposed to have and you couldn't pass up good strawberries.

"Start running"


2:47 a.m.

You didn't usually have dealings with get together like this.

Hell, it was hard for anyone to even reach you by your number.

"I know way too many people here" unfortunately for you, the hundred of refills have yet to erase your memory of all the ties you have to the people in the stuffy and crowded living room. "Sit with me?" The one you talk to the most is who you beckon over with a single hand

"isn't that a good thing?" Asks Emma who gladly takes the offer, plopping down on the couch beside you. There wasn't much to gain out of knowing a whole lot of people. Sure you get your name called a few times but what then? You sit in silence with a drink you don't want, hanging around people you can't start conversations with.

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